
Ayyyy it’s finally my birthday!! 


Can someone reccomend me a drarry fanfic? I feel like I've read al of them!!


@Loki_Friggason_18 This is the author @_the_drarry_life_   she also has other drarry fabrics u can check out


I realised that I’ve been practically dead for a few months… but I think a few (very few) if u know that I used to have this book called the Russian merge. I feel like it has some potential so I re-uploaded it and am working on the third chapter, and before you ask,no, I have no idea what is going to happen to the dwarves tale 


Good to see your alive


ok so ignore the fact that the convo im about to reference is from 2021 and u most likely forgot about it (i need to go on wattpad more lol) but i think we might actually be the same person. like i looked thru my convos on here and u said oh we might be the same person and i think ur right lmao. sry that was so random but it needed to be said lmao


Lol I actually remembered this!!!! I never forget a convo on whattpad 