
Imagine trying to write, while also getting distracted by FixTF2, couldn’t be me :3c
          	I just hope valve actually does something this time, instead of flatly lying to our faces like last time we tried a peaceful protest. 


Hi load


@king234456 no, I’m just gonna make a new one until I get bored


@LoafTheProtogen are you going to finish your pokemon books


Hey all, I’ve been thinking of something recently, and I’ve decided that it’s probably best thing I can do in this current moment.
          As of now, Unexpected Union is going into an indefinite hiatus, again. 
          This is because of three main reasons that I’ll go in depth with shortly: 1. The story is going nowhere, 2. I’m not enjoying writing for it, and 3. Kinda my own fault, but I’ve got too many fanfics being written at the same time.
          1: The story hasn’t really gone anywhere since, like, chapter 6 imo. It has just been mostly filler for the last 3 chapters, I understand that filler is needed in moments; but it just feels like I’m trying to force a narrative with duct tape, and zip ties. I want to try and flesh out what this arc of UU is going to be before I commit to it any further; and if I have to rewrite from chapter 7, oh well, I can just make it better (and probably remove that needless Z fight scene I added for ✨drama✨ while I’m at it too)
          2: Pretty self explanatory; but my heart’s just not in a place to want to write for UU. It is easily my worst story—given that I started writing the original when I was 16, and quite a few ideas from that plot armour hell hole were adapted for the rewrite, it makes a lot of sense. 
          3. Because I have no self control when it comes to spontaneous ideas, I have 6 fanfics currently being written at the same time (5 published, 1 currently in very early development), and it’s difficult to juggle between not neglecting all of them—and even then, I still neglect some (cough cough world’s edge cough cough); but like I said, that’s on me for being a silly little goober who likes to write.
          Anyway, that’s basically all I want to say. Sorry if anyone was disappointed by this announcement; but at the end of the day, it’s my fanfic, and I’d rather stop working on it for an unknown amount of time, than cancel it outright.


I should probably say something here about this here, since I’m gonna be even more absent than I already am. 
          At around 9 am this morning, my Dalmatian of 12 years, Roxy, was put to sleep. It was the best thing we could’ve done for her health, as her arthritis, and overall health had been steadily worsening over the last year and a half, or so; but it still sucks ass to lose her.
          Needless to say, all writing is gonna be put on hold for a couple days, at the very least, to give me time to greave, and process things. 
          After my hopefully short mental health break, I will try to push for getting the real UU chapter 10 out by the end of April, no promises though.


I’m sorry for your loss brother. Trust me I’ve been there, around a year ago I lost my brother/ best friend/ dog too. It took a lot out of me to say the least. So feel free to take all the time you need, trust me you deserve it, and if you need anyone to talk to I’m always open.


Unexpected Union, as a concept, is now 2 years old, I don’t really know how to feel about this


@LoafTheProtogen yeah it takes , it took me a while making  the dare kael vs Zero 


@NOTHINGINVOID because writing takes a long time


So , we have to wait till a year I guess,  why all good stories are on pending or slow updates? 


Ain’t really gonna be writing for a little while, caught whooping cough or some bs like that; it’s been going around the whole uk recently. Still plan on writing when I can, but it’s kinda difficult when I’m coughing up a lung every few minutes.
          Should be back to your regularly scheduled procrastinating within two weeks or so :3


@LoafTheProtogen Yk I think I might have that too tbh, it's not fun lad, but I don't need to tell you that. Swift recoveries, mate!


So, uh, Unexpected Union, and Autumn Fires both hit 2k, and 1k respectively. I’ve been taking a short break (only started writing chapters again recently), so I missed when it actually happened; but at least my somewhat-decent fanfics are actually getting somewhere. Thank you all so much :3c
          I’m going to try to get a chapter out at some point in the next two week, it’ll either be for WBSCH, or AF, so look out for then.


@LoafTheProtogen well done, lad. You've earned it.