taps mic


@LILIUMS your book kingdom come started of great and look forward to further insight into the love story further. You are a talented writer and if you feel like no one likes your books come to me and I'll give you all the encouragement you need.


@BTSHardStan01 thank you!! i hope you enjoy it :)


HEY! i've been offline the past few days bc of mental health problems, but now that I'm in a more positive place mentally, i would like to ask my followers if they know a way in which i can contribute to the Sudan Crisis. I live outside of the US and I am willing to donate some money also. If anyone has any links or anything, please send them to me on here or on my IG : @/springwinks 


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️‍ ️‍ HAPPY PRIDE   
          to all my lgbtq+ followers, have a wonderful pride month!! also my wifi isn’t consistent enough for me to publish any books atm but as soon as it is,, expect a SHIT TON this month