
To those of you who have looked at "Assassin" I thought I'd let you know that I have put it under the genre "mystery/thriller" in hopes that it will be that, not because it is mysterious or thrilling. It's supposed to be something of a murder mystery. So let me know if I start succeeding in making a good mystery and thrilling! If you don't tell me I'll never figure it out. :) I'm open to suggestions and feedback


To those of you who have looked at "Assassin" I thought I'd let you know that I have put it under the genre "mystery/thriller" in hopes that it will be that, not because it is mysterious or thrilling. It's supposed to be something of a murder mystery. So let me know if I start succeeding in making a good mystery and thrilling! If you don't tell me I'll never figure it out. :) I'm open to suggestions and feedback


Sorry it took so long to add to "Darkest Before Dawn". I have chapters 15 & 16 up there now. They haven't been proof read or edited at all and nor will the next few chapters. I just haven't had the time to do that. Sorry again for the wait.


Hey, for those of you who are reading Darkest Before Dawn I thought I would give you a heads up. Somewhere between chapters 10 and 14 you might notice how the tense in which it's written changes some. I usually write in past tense, but when I started reading Divergent which is present tense and it kind of threw me off. Later I realized that it showed in my writing. I guess I mostly just wanted to let you know that I'm aware I changed tenses. I'm just going to leave it that way for now.
          Please let me know if you think it's too noticeable or not. I need to know how important it is that I change that. Thanks! :)