
latest chapter of Not Your Cinderella has finally be published :)


Hey Lynn I know as a reader I look forward to your updates and I know as a writer how hard it is to write and edit sometimes, so if you ever need anyone to edit your story I can do that and I can also give you lots of ideas of what happens next in case you have writers block! If you are interested we can talk through DMs or through this! Lots of love,


I’m so sorry to hear that! I hope you get well soon! ❤️


Omg I am so sorry about your illness, get well soon!


Please update!!☝


            I just thought I would message to let you know that NYC is currently under rewrite with a sequel in the works and was wondering if you would like to receive an update as to when the rewrite is finished and I begin to release new chapters?
            In the meantime, I have begun to write a book of a slightly different genre - fantasy. It is slightly more mature in style as it has been a few years since I was last here on wattpad, whilst still containing my humour. Should you want to check it out, feel free I will be updating it whilst I continue my work on Not Your Cinderella :)


I am like super annoying by saying this but pretty please update I need to know what happens! 


Ahaha thank you 
            I'm just away with my boyfriend at the moment so it's hard to write but I assure you within like three days the next one will be up
            Thank you
            Being such a lovely dedicated reader 


I am so obsessed with your story! I absolutely love it, I live for the updates! I literally once in class saw you had updated the story and fell out of my chair.  Please update soon! 


Aha, dong worry about it ☺️
            Two chapters or more are being released today I was just flying home from my holiday so couldn't update 
            Thank you for being so dedicated to NYC 


Pretty please with a cherry on top will you update your story. 


@Lisa_Bess It's like a blast from the past! Looking forward to it!!!!


@brennaashlyn long time huh? I'm currently in the process of rewriting NYC. So hoping in the next week there should be an update. I've also started a slightly different genre of book called the new Shihiri. :) 


Please update 


@dae_dream Hiya,
            I just thought I would message to let you know that NYC is currently under rewrite with a sequel in the works and was wondering if you would like to receive an update as to when the rewrite is finished and I begin to release new chapters?
            In the meantime, I have begun to write a book of a slightly different genre - fantasy. It is slightly more mature in style as it has been a few years since I was last here on wattpad, whilst still containing my humour. Should you want to check it out, feel free I will be updating it whilst I continue my work on Not Your Cinderella :)


Please update Not Your Cinderella!!! 


@Luisa-Tae Hiya,
            I just thought I would message to let you know that NYC is currently under rewrite with a sequel in the works and was wondering if you would like to receive an update as to when the rewrite is finished and I begin to release new chapters?
            In the meantime, I have begun to write a book of a slightly different genre - fantasy. It is slightly more mature in style as it has been a few years since I was last here on wattpad, whilst still containing my humour. Should you want to check it out, feel free I will be updating it whilst I continue my work on Not Your Cinderella :)