
Eyyyyy if you like BTS you should check out my friend Chloe8765! She just posted a reader X Min Yoongi and it's awesome! 


Hey Liz I miss u


Oh I also get marked absent for one of my classes yesterday because I was in a different seat and was quiet


I started school on aug 27 instead of the 12th like everyone else so I was really quiet like I am never


@Azun-nya2467 why did? What happened? They sounded like a hoot


okay i know i have been making a hella lot of excuses for not updating, and i'm so sorry bout that, but I've been working on a new chapter of 'The Hidden Demon' and i was re-reading the previous chapter's and doing so found many pleasantries. I found out i never explained what Mr. Onobi looked  like, kinda rushed Gaara and Suzuki's childhood, and more. So i'm gonna put the book on a slight hiatus to fix all of this stuff. Again i'm sorry, but i wanna make this story awesome for y'all, so i hope you understand. 
          Liz Out 8(^-^)8