
Okay, so do realize that I haven't updated in practically forever, and though I've never been constant with my updates, I'm in my last year of high school so though I do write on occasion, nothing is enough for me to upload. But I'm working on it!
          	In the mean time I'd appreciate it a whole hell of a lot if you all could do this quick survey to possibly help me pass my class.  


Okay, so do realize that I haven't updated in practically forever, and though I've never been constant with my updates, I'm in my last year of high school so though I do write on occasion, nothing is enough for me to upload. But I'm working on it!
          In the mean time I'd appreciate it a whole hell of a lot if you all could do this quick survey to possibly help me pass my class.  


@STFUitselle hey, I agree with the strong female leads, I love kick-ass main characters, I don't know why. Soft, gentle ones don't appeal to me as much. And I try to update whenever I can because I don't have a laptop of my own and so, I have to wrestle my sister for hers. So updates are quite infrequent, but she's going off to Uni so I may get a chance once school starts where I live, to write. School makes me more productive, weird... There'll probably be an update in the next week or few days. I don't broad cast any messages most of the time though. So if you're waiting for one, you'll have to keep and eye out for it. 


I agree with you. Weak characters are just.. whats the right word? Annoying? Irritating? Disturbing? Whatever. I just don't like them, girl power all the wayy! Haha. Oh, I see. No problem with that cause I'm following you so I'll know if you updated. :)


@STFUitselle @STFUitselle hey, yeah I do. It's actually one of my favorites on this site. And I guess the mother situation is kind of alike. I think parents have a big influence in who their children are and how they grow, Spencer's character is, well foggy and I made her mother the way she is so I can write the way for her character to find who she is. And I'm glad you're liking it. :) 


Wow. It's also one of my favorites 'cause you know, I like strong female leads. Yup, I can totally see your point. Btw, is there a specific time when you're updating? Like every week or something? :)