
Say goodbye to the Andley books everyone, they're going down in 30 seconds.


Hello everyone,
          I have an announcement.
          Unfortunately there won't be another Andley book, or any other book along the lines of that.
          I'm deleting all of my band related works.
          I sincerely apologise, but I have lost complete interest in all of my works, and the bands they represent.
          It's sad really, but it's the truth.
          I've moved on in my life and discovered a passion of my own - I do love to write, and I will continue to write, I just won't be writing about what I used to. And I know this will cause a lot of drama as they were such a popular series on here, so if anyone wishes to finish the story with their own ending, they may, but they must however message me beforehand so I can choose the best person I find suitable for doing so.
          Thank you for all of your support, it meant a lot to me back then and it still does now.
          Stay strong all of you, you're worth a lot more than you think you are.
          Peace out.
          P.S: For anyone who wishes to follow my new account that I will be creating for my newer work, please message me and I will be happy to give you my user.
          You may also message me with any questions as to why I'm doing this or when I decided to do this, or anything else along those lines, I will be happy to answer.
          That is all.


Hey guys!
          I've been meaning to say this for a while.
          Thank you.
          Yeah that.
          Thank you guys so much for your support, your criticism and everything else, without any of that, I wouldn't be writing the stories I do and I wouldn't have the confidence I do to express myself the way I do in my books.
          I hope to one day write a real book - no it won't be an Andley, or any ship for that matter haha. I'm not sure what it will be but I know it will be good. Hopefully.
          Anyway, that's all.
          I strongly advise all of you to keep up the comments, even the negative ones, they only help shape me as a writer.
          I also strongly advise that all of you follow your dreams too.
          That's all guys.
          Stay strong!
          I love you.
          Peace. ❤️


          IT'S TITLED 'NO MORE MESSING AROUND'. HOPE YOU LIKE IT. Or somewhat.. there's something in there that MAY or may not make you all hate me forever. But enjoy it anyway. Next chapter goes up in a few hours.