
So I have finally been writing again. I kinda go in spurts.  I'm so happy for everyone who still reads my stories. I am also very thankful to my editor who encourages me to keep writing.


@LivSep the same way I feel, love! Happy you got into writing again too! Although Wattpad is being a bit mean :< with its stupid algorithm 


So I have finally been writing again. I kinda go in spurts.  I'm so happy for everyone who still reads my stories. I am also very thankful to my editor who encourages me to keep writing.


@LivSep the same way I feel, love! Happy you got into writing again too! Although Wattpad is being a bit mean :< with its stupid algorithm 


We are so sorry this account has fallen dead. We are doing our best to resurrect it, but we are working through life one step at a time, and this is something we do if we have time. So please be patient and look out for new chapters and stories.
          -Birdy V.


We are so sorry this account has basically been abandoned by us. I promise I will edit almost everything we have and make sure everything is up to date. I will try to get my partner to continue writing, but remember, we're human too, and still in school. Over the past year we've been through a lot of hard things, and in dealing with these things it's easy to lose the inspiration or drive to write. Again, I'm so sorry, but look out for more chapters and stories to come.
          -Birdy V.


Hey guys thanks again for the reads and votes. I would really appreciate comments. I have a slight idea but I want your guys’s opinions. Don’t forget to check out my other stories and check out some of my followers. They have some great stories. 


Hey sorry it’s taking a while to update Reylo or any other stories. I’m currently working on like 4 now. I’m waiting for inspiration which is hard to find. Sorry for those who really want an update. 