
Thank you for all your votes on Living In Fear!! You helped me to finally meet my goal of 100 votes and I appreciate that more than words can tell! Thank you for making my Christmas and have a very happy holiday!!


@ImagionationStation You are very welcome. I really like Living In Fear, great story and I'm glad I could help you reach your goal. Bíodh Nollag an-sásta leat freisin. 


          You have been chosen to be showered with love so enjoy!!! ❤️
          Now post this on everyone’s wall who you think deserves all the love in the world.
          If you get. . .
          1 back=you’re loved 
          3 back= you’re popular 
          5 back=you’re the most loved person out there
          9 back=wow I’m jealous 
          Don’t break this chain unless you want to break someone’s heart.


First of all, thank you for the votes, I really appreciate it! Second, I'm...taking a hiatus from Keyac...I know you were enjoying it, and I'm sorry about this, but, I'm not finding any joy in writing it right now, it feels more like a chore, and something looking over my head... I guess too my life has gotten busier, and I have a hard time finding time to write. Again, I am SO sorry. I hope you understand. It WILL be finished eventually, just... not right now. I hope you enjoy the rest of my works in the meantime! Thank you, and God bless!


Thank you so much for following our account :) Hope you can find use of one of our many clubs, and if you have any questions, we will be sure to answer! Even if you don't join any of our clubs, we are glad to have you as a follower ^.^
          Never stop dreaming! 
          - The Dreamland Team