If you want to see my face my Instagram is @zunenaude 

I have brown hair that goes past my bum, brown eyes, I'm athletically toned, and my height is around 5 foot 7.

I LOVE the series Teen Wolf (I mean team Derek, all the way am I right? Styles is the best!), Supernatural (Dean 😍) and don't forget The Originals (Elijah and Klaus ❤)

I love basically every type of music genre. I love, love stories and love it when someone is cheesy🧀, it makes me laugh and smile at the same time 😊
You got it ? Good.

I love sports. Like really really love it. I play netball, tennis, touch rugby and a lot more but you don't need to know it all 😂

I love reading, call me a bookworm if you will I don't really care. I'll probably never meet you soooo ... go stuff it. Kidding!! I don't like to be mean, and I hate bullies. But I'm very sarcastic so sometimes I don't think before I say something and then I come off as rude to some people or just plain stupid.

I love to go fishing and do all the outdoor activities, and I love to spending time on the back of a horse, especially when you are on the beach. It's the most freeing feeling anyone can ever have the pleasure of experiencing.

I believe no matter what, everyone is beautiful. Doesn't matter if it's on the inside or the outside. What really counts is what's on the inside. People these days just go for the looks, but you walk past someone who may not be as beautiful as the others but may have a heart of gold on the inside. Then you lose someone who may have been the love of your life. So don't judge a book by it's cover.

Oh and I'm definitely crazy and a weirdo. I love food, any kind of food. Just give me food and I'll love you for eternity. Bacon is life and I'm a Pepsi fan. So if I share my food, bacon or Pepsi with you then I really have to love you.

I just wanna say for those of you who don't know

IM A GIRL !!! 😱

( Oh my gosh! That's amazing! Who knew she was a girl? Oh my word! )
  • Neverland
  • JoinedApril 9, 2016

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LittleWallflower098 LittleWallflower098 Jul 28, 2018 01:52PM
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