
Dearest people of Wattpad,
          	As I type this, I look out upon the beautiful sunrise, wondering if this maybe my last. Not the fictional character weaves from my mind like silk, but he real girl underneath. I feel like I may need help, but much like my character LaDeux, I am far too proud to ask for it. For I feel alone, depressed, forlorn. Life had evoke lackluster and boring, but my hopes and dreams won't let me give up. Yet, time is slowly wearing away at them. I fear I may lose to myself. So if anyone is really paying attention, I'm scared. I'm scared that I may get into trouble for telling you all this. I'm scared that I won't surpass my parents standards. I'm scared that I'm letting my friends down like Mistress and Spoopy. I bet you know who I am now and Even if you don't, I wanted to let the world know how I feel. There's no need to call anyone but just know that.... Ugh I don't wen know why O typed this anymore. Please don't leave me...


Dearest people of Wattpad,
          As I type this, I look out upon the beautiful sunrise, wondering if this maybe my last. Not the fictional character weaves from my mind like silk, but he real girl underneath. I feel like I may need help, but much like my character LaDeux, I am far too proud to ask for it. For I feel alone, depressed, forlorn. Life had evoke lackluster and boring, but my hopes and dreams won't let me give up. Yet, time is slowly wearing away at them. I fear I may lose to myself. So if anyone is really paying attention, I'm scared. I'm scared that I may get into trouble for telling you all this. I'm scared that I won't surpass my parents standards. I'm scared that I'm letting my friends down like Mistress and Spoopy. I bet you know who I am now and Even if you don't, I wanted to let the world know how I feel. There's no need to call anyone but just know that.... Ugh I don't wen know why O typed this anymore. Please don't leave me...