
Posted a new update to Rules For Life last night ✌


Important Announcement! I have changed my username from FandomWarrior to LiteratureLife. I didn't want to cause any confusion. FandomWarrior and LiteratureLife are both me but I felt like I needed a change. I hope to become more active soon! Thanks Readers!


Hi guys! I'm so sorry Chasing Nightmares isn't finished yet! My laptop's broken and my dad's trying to fix it or get me a new one so I can continue writing. I will finish it but it may be a while so, my beloved readers, you will have to be patient. In the meantime I recommend reading some of @FallenNightshade's stories. They're brilliant! Once my laptop is fixed or I get a new one I'll be able to update all of my stories. Thanks for being patient readers! I'm currently relying on my phone for Wattpad and it's just not good for writing. Thanks for understanding! 


Due to my life being just a bit hectic, Chasing Nightmares has been put on hold for a little bit. I hope to resume sometime in the next 2 weeks. By then marching season will be over and I will have way more free time. I have the full idea, all the broken hearts in place, and will soon be putting it all together, editing, and publishing. Also, I have an important announcement! I have officially been on Wattpad for 2 years! I have enjoyed the Wattpad community and I look forward to many more years on Wattpad. :) Read, comment, vote, and follow!