
          	I'll be as straight forward as possible.  I donot know what your opinions are  on the crisis the Palestinians are facing. But I believe there should not be any more than one opinion regarding this as it's a humanitarian crisis. No media outlet is covering the news. You don't have to be Muslim, you don't have to be Christian, you don't have to be directly affected nor related to Palestine to know about this, to understand that the oppression they have been facing, is no longer something you can close your ears and your eyes for it to not exist.
          	I know most of us can't financially aid them, but we can, as human beings, learn more about the oppression the Palestinians are facing and to spread that awareness to the person next to you until it reaches someone who can.
          	I know this is a place for writing and not about political discussions, but since I have more than one follower, even if it were 10, there would be some difference. Even if it's not noticeable, I want to believe I did everything I could in my ability.
          	Please don't ignore this.


          I'll be as straight forward as possible.  I donot know what your opinions are  on the crisis the Palestinians are facing. But I believe there should not be any more than one opinion regarding this as it's a humanitarian crisis. No media outlet is covering the news. You don't have to be Muslim, you don't have to be Christian, you don't have to be directly affected nor related to Palestine to know about this, to understand that the oppression they have been facing, is no longer something you can close your ears and your eyes for it to not exist.
          I know most of us can't financially aid them, but we can, as human beings, learn more about the oppression the Palestinians are facing and to spread that awareness to the person next to you until it reaches someone who can.
          I know this is a place for writing and not about political discussions, but since I have more than one follower, even if it were 10, there would be some difference. Even if it's not noticeable, I want to believe I did everything I could in my ability.
          Please don't ignore this.


Yesterday, Beirut, a city in Lebanon, faced a terrible explosion, leaving dozens dead and thousands injured, to an extent that hospitals were forced to turn out patients who desperately needed treatment. 
          The country was already facing poverty, battling Covid-19 and now this. 
          My condolences and prayers to the lost, grieving and the injured.
          Due to the economic state many people are facing, donations may not be possible but do not disheartened, keep praying and those who can spare a little money, please go to Lebanon Red Cross for donation and other sites that are directly involved. 
          May God keep everyone safe, give patience to the ones lost and give the lost a place in heaven. In Sha Allah.
          Lebanon, you WILL get through this.


Heya!! :) 


Oh that's great! Do let me know when you create an insta account! ❤:D


@lipshaaaa oh.. I'm  planning on making an account on insta soon.  Just gotta get myself back into writing...I've been way too inactive for the past year. 


Thanks for the votes!!!!!


@LilacSky8 sure ok thanks for the support xx


            Don't worry about the views. The beginning is usually really slow, once you start updating and socialising with other readers and writers  you will be able to get attention. 
            How about send a message to the previous readers of any of your books and also for any writer or a reader who shares the same interest as your books genre is?


@LilacSky8 i dont know if i should carry it on or not... its not getting much views or attention