
Hey Guys, Thanks for the votes and follows lately! It means more to me than you think <3


Tell me there's also someone who doesn't like the new update. I mean now you gotta pay for wattpad stories!? I downloaded this for the fact that it was free to read and write anything. Or maybe i'm just too broke to have an opinion XD. Tell me what y'all think. 


@Lisafoxo1 You're not wrong lol. A lot of people said the same thing. I, on the other hand, dislike the removal of the activity tab. It was the only way for me to tell if customers were shop hopping. 


Hey guys! I have great news. Ya'll remember my story: Tick Tock through the clock? I noticed all my grammar issues and poor writing, and decided to rewrite. That's why I unpublished it. The prologue and first chapter will be posted tomorrow, so look out for that . Also I changed the name to: Through the Clock. Because Tick Tock just reminds me of the tick tok app, and that is dreadful to me.  Anyway, Enjoy the rest of your night/day.