
Do you know insane you have to be to begin to write like 17 different fanfictions of Daemon Targaryen since HotD came out and on the (maybe) 18th one you planned on finishing and publishing because it was finally good enough, you begin writing a Mafia au about it even though you're less about 15 chapters away from being completely done with that fanfiction? Welcome to my brand of ADHD. 


Hello darling. 
          Just one quick question, do you mind explaining to me which book I am supposed to read first, second and so on?❤️


@QuakeJohnsson treacherous > wonderland > SBT. Innocent is the first prequel so you can read it if you want a little more backstory 


Do you know insane you have to be to begin to write like 17 different fanfictions of Daemon Targaryen since HotD came out and on the (maybe) 18th one you planned on finishing and publishing because it was finally good enough, you begin writing a Mafia au about it even though you're less about 15 chapters away from being completely done with that fanfiction? Welcome to my brand of ADHD. 


For those of you still interested in the Treacherous series, I feel like now is the time to say for sure that it will be on hold until further notice. At the moment every time I attempt to write SBT I shut down and write a whole book for another fandom (which will be coming soon for HoTD). I hate that this has happened because I want Ash to have her story completed before I started a new one, but hopefully when I get the excitement back to write for Titans, I can give that to her. Thank you guys for your understanding and patience!


I skipped ahead and wrote two different endings SBT, one is a continuation for if I decide to keep it going to s4 when it (eventually) comes out and the other is arguably the most satisfying ending to a series I've ever written on either of my accounts. I'm honestly really tempted to end it because of how good I thought it was, ngl.