
Hey guys! You know how I said I will be announcing the winner? Well I can't do it today but I will on Jan 5th 2017! Good Luck!


Heya guys I'm excited to announce that I just made a new book called "As The Rain Falls". It's about a girl that has to find her mother and father because they went missing!! 
          Go check it out, it so amazing!!
          Also make sure to check out Werewolf Wealth Academy and make sure to vote, and like it because I'm choosing the winners tomorrow! Thanks 


Hey Guys! I have a contest for you guys..!
          I want all of you guys to follow my sister @NicolePheonixDrop and vote, and like Werewolf Wealth Academy for a shoutout and I will follow you. 
          I will pick 3 lucky winners on Friday December 30th!! 
          Good Luck  