
lmaoooo hows quarantine for yall?


@Lilhes boring but working on writing on professional novels lol and looking back on my works on Wattpad like wtf lmao how's it for you?


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Holy fuck. I'm looking back at my old writing and honestly, who gave me a laptop? Who let me write that shit and put it out on the internet for people to see? Cause nothing good came out of any of that.
          The bad grammar and the idiotic A/N that I put because I saw other people  doing it. And the plot lines! Holy fuck did they suck. (Heh) I know they aren't much better now but they were basically all the same except with different characters and places, the only really different is how they were resolved. But the endings were crap too. It was like one person said a bunch of mushy crap then everything was okay.
          I'm done.
          See ya later bros. xx


Hey everyone, haven't posted anything in a while. (But thank you to all that have been reading! xx)
          But just thought I'd actually put up that I'm on hiatus, I just want to work on my own stuff for a little while and keep it private. But once I finish I'll post it, but I'm telling you now that WILL TAKE FOREVER.
          But I won't be gone forever.
          Just see ya later bros, love ya! xx


aw thank you for adding my story to your reading list! the first chapters are pretty bad but stick with it :)


@-pogonophobiaa- thanks, + I am, but school is giving out more homework and more stress, I can assure you I am :)


@-pogonophobiaa- No I can tell you it's getting good! Just keep writing! xx


Some Christian girl came on my page, saw all this gay stuff and flipped.
          She's currently telling me that 
          'You'll burn in hell for supporting and being'
          She's SO PISSED!


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She just said "Satan will come for you in the night"
            The fuck? I'm dying she needs to CHILL (I didn't even tell her if I was gay or not. She just assumed)