
✨ Happy 4K reads 
          	I never thought a random incorrect quotes series would be popular lol  


I’m coming close to 4K reads on my handbook to Marvel series! I’m guessing you are all enjoying it then lol ❤️
          And to note, I’m no longer adding to that series. Mainly because I physically can’t. 
          As I started writing it before the third reboot of TRBs it does have some outdated stuff, like Ari and Loki’s relationship isn’t going to be quite so.... lovey dovey... or rivals... it’s going to be more consistent that’s for sure. And generally TAR has had a lot of updates. So if you’re inclined to judge TAR from that, I’d rather you wouldn’t.... 
          Anyway, the new series The Guidebook to Marvel is going to be more accurate and... structural. It’s a bit of a mess at the mo but I’m planning on sorting it out some time next week.
          So, hope you have a good day reading any fanfics or what ever! ✨


I cannot physically process what I saw like two days ago now, otherwise I may just combust....
          And if you don’t know what I’m talking about... go read my most recent chapter from The Guidebook to Marvel I guess... 
          I’m honestly just... so happy but so confused... and just... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


I think I did a 50 shades of grey, but not in the way you’re probably thinking. 
          I’ve been writing this Good Omens fanfic, and a few one-shots, while working on this other book Unfortunate. Now I’m guessing you know where this is going.
          I didn’t realise until half way through writing it that it seemed VERY similar to Good Omens, but yet again NOT IN THE WAY YOU’RE PROBABLY THINKING!
          It’s basically a group of beings from another realm that plop onto earth in 4004 BC and they just cause havoc, including but not limited to making religion (mainly Christianity) and make writing a thing! 
          So now you’re asking “I see no similarities between Unfortunate and Good Omens asides from the whole Christian thing. Why are you getting worked up about this?” And well, let me tell you. 
          It has been quite a while since I wrote TRB and my writing style has changed a bit since then (I’m terrible at schedules I know!). And when I say changed, I mean it’s eerily similar to how the BOOK good omens was written. I didn’t do this of purpose (but I did try and write a bit in the style for writing the Good Omens fanfic so it may have transfers over... but I started writing Unfortunate before the fanfic... so I dunno) I actually noticed this half way through reading the book. But it’s kinda uncanny.
          I don’t know why or how... or whatever! But it just seems similar to me and now I’m scared that ima get sued by Neil... or something... I dunno. 
          I could just call it a parody or just heavily inspired and call it a day, but this is more psychological if anything.
          I could, yet again, just say it was original going to be a fanfic but morphed into something completely different, like 50 shades of grey apparently, but that would be LYING and I’m not good with lying. I would take the guilt to my grave.
          So... yeh. Thanks for reading my rant I guess...
          I’m probably never going to publish/post Unfortunate anyway so I’m really worrying for no reason lol.


I'm doing my usual of suddenly coming up with 5 different fanfics and original story ideas on the spot while having motivation block. So don't expect anything from me as usual but you might be getting a Good Omens fanfic (But not one shots because I'm obviously crap at that (looking at you The Handbook to Marvel)).
          So... maybe expect something next year.


Yeh that’s actually a good idea lol


@LilForest_Witch you should do a story about the modern hogwarts and all that happened already 


I’m currently working on a new book called Presentless and The Corvids (I might change the name in the future I don’t know yet) as I’ve been wanting to stray away from fanfics recently and create my own original work. 
          I will still finish and post The Realm Benders: A Wolf’s Tail and the Marvel Memes but I’m going to be focusing on this new piece instead.
          But for those who loved the TAR side of The Realm Bender series then you’ll love this book as it’s cantered purely on it, I’ve also developed the magic system and the world since the first book so I can’t wait to show you all what I’ve created.
          I wish you a good day! 


I don’t update my status often so ima say a lot of sugar in this one post!
          - ima realise the first chapter of The Realm Bender book 2 sometime in the near future!
          - I bought an ally flag and it’s currently hung over my bed frame
          - I just posted Avengers memes book, purely because of boredom 
          - I never got a chance to say happy pride month on the platform and that makes me sad
          - AHHHHHHHHHHH
          - 2020 is great, can’t wait to see what happens during the second half
          - please don’t drink bleach, I’m saying this towards those Karen’s who thought it was a good idea will kill the virus 
          - I watched the 5th season of She-Ra and it made me cry just like every other season 
          - the Hogwarts RP I mentioned in my bio has collapsed and now is just a bunch of skits of my character and my friends riding owl griffins
          - I’m having roast tonight 
          - my power has gone out three times today, not like a power cut but just my house
          - I’ve been on a writing high and have written 5 chapters of TRB B2 in 2 days
          - I think that’s it...
          Enjoy the twilight zone my fellow humans!


I know I spelt a lot wrong in this, I’m tired and didn’t spell check. Fight me