
I just posted an updated prologue for The Skype Call Story, a book I tried writing last  year.  I'm redoing it as a part of my New Year's Resolution to try to actually finish a book.


Hey guys. 
          First, chapter two for Cassandra is up. Sorry that took so long; there were a few...obstacles. 
          Second, I am planning on writing a "short stories" book. If you guys have any ideas, message me and I will try to write about whatever it is and put it up. 
          Third, all of this being said, school is right around the corner. I won't be able to write as much as I'd like to, but I won't give up on either project that I am working on now. I won't completely disappear again. 


          Let me just openly apologize now. But after an hour or so of writer's block, a glass of milk, and a nice, hot shower, I basically.......changed the whole idea and plot and...well let's just say I changed everything about the book. 
          I'm sorry. But EVOLUTION was going nowhere. 
          Instead, I'm going to write a book called CASSANDRA, named after the main character and narrator in the story, Cassandra Wright. 
          Now. I'm going to go wherever this book takes me. I will attempt to avoid major cliché plots and stereotypes, but there is no telling where I will go with this. When I write, I tend to go with the flow. So I can promise ANYTHING! 
          Sorry again for the change one hour after publishing. 


'Sup random followers. 
          So I just published my author's note for my first ever book EVOLUTION. Now, here's the thing. I need your guys' help. You are few, but you will be a lot of help. I may ask a few of you to edit my chapters before I publish them. I will also need your guys' support more than ever because this is the first book I am planning on starting AND finishing. So please, spread the word. 


          Anywho. How are you? I'm doing well, thank you. So, I'm going to TRY to write my own story. If I publish a first chapter of anything that will be my inspiration not to give up on it, even if I have no earthly idea where it's going. If you all have any ideas, I will take them all into consideration, and maybe even twist them all into a book. Maybe. If I can actually manage to write the first chapter of something. XD. Soooo....
          \(^_^\) (\^_^/) (/^_^)/
          My mini dance. 
          So. Bye!