
Just scrolled through 2k notifications and remembered all the memories on this account. All the comments I’ve made truly were hilarious and the responses to them even more. This account was an amazing place but it’s over, it’s done. Thank you so much to everyone that chilled with me, you all really made this experience better. I am currently using a different account than this one, so if anyone wants to speak I will be using @Hazey_butHappy


@Lil-Gay-Flower Completely valid, man! If you ever need someone to talk to, my dms are always open like usual! Followed your new account <3 Keep doing you, and Happy New Year :)


Just scrolled through 2k notifications and remembered all the memories on this account. All the comments I’ve made truly were hilarious and the responses to them even more. This account was an amazing place but it’s over, it’s done. Thank you so much to everyone that chilled with me, you all really made this experience better. I am currently using a different account than this one, so if anyone wants to speak I will be using @Hazey_butHappy


@Lil-Gay-Flower Completely valid, man! If you ever need someone to talk to, my dms are always open like usual! Followed your new account <3 Keep doing you, and Happy New Year :)


Bro I made my Strats class end up taking a anger management by our teacher because I told the two other boys in my class to go hang themselves </3


@Lil-Gay-Flower ☠now they deserve it


@Kanaeishere Those two deserve it for asking me if I was in my period while they be screaming at 8 in the morning at the PS2
            Like Fr asked me if I was in my period if I asked them not to scream


          Everyone has something cool about themselves. They can be good at Writing, they’re good at math. They can play sports, they can make conversations that are worth talking about.
          Where’s my talent? I can’t sing, dance, play a sport..I can’t converse with new people, I can’t do anything.
          I thought I could write. I wrote things I was proud of and then I realized they were the most shitty things ever. Where’s my talent?
          Exactly. I don’t have one.


@Lil-Gay-Flower I don't think I have a talent sure I can make characters and stories but so what, but if you as other people I'm apparently smart, creative, kind, you never see what you do as amazing and others see it as the most special thing ever made 


A talent is something you get after a lot of practice. Nobody has no talent, especially you, you just have to find out what it is and figure out what makes you happy while doing it.


Alright. I’ve decided…I will be making a new account. I will still have this account active, but I will switch between accounts.


Anyone open to just chatting?
          (Pm’s, Roblox, Texting)


Y’all y’all. Anyone wanna rp The Arcana or Barbie?


@Lil-Gay-Flower np! Just pm me whenever u want