
@LightsBlade Thank you for the comment on the profile pic.  I write Star Wars fanfic, so I chose something related. This character is in all three of the fics I currently have posted. Seemed fair. I guess I could have done Luke, too, but this picture is just so much more fun. :-)


He's not just Vader. He's also Anakin. There are two men in that suit, both trying to kill the other, both trying to get out.
            I think you would really like my Empire Day, although it is AU.
            I never appreciated Vader so much until I started writing fic about him. He's the most complex character I've ever studied—and I've studied a lot of characters as a theatrical director with over 50 plays under her belt. Trust me. That's saying something.


@SapphireAlena Yeah, I really think Darth Vader is the best character in all of Star Wars.