
I'm in hell 


Yall, this is so funny. My mom just found out her boyfriend of 4 years technically cheated, and now their broken up and arguing, but it's still recent, so we all still live in the same house. They think I'm scared or something but I find him and ugly, and this, very funny.


          Omfg it's been so long since I was in this acc
          You're good at romance and I wanna write one with my ocs 
          But I'm really bad at opening
          Do you have any suggestions or tips?=^=


@Liyuluvsu2  i haven't posted much here, but i do write a lot of stories. My old writing skills weren't as good, but currently for romance stories, I tend to have the introduction be either a quick summary of the character or a flash back. And then i either go two ways where they immediately talk about the romance part or you just really get into the story first, introducing all the characters and their interests etc. and then after that you start to get into the romance. Hopefully this helps and if your writing a story i can't wait to check it out. Good luck.




guys you ever just want to fall in love with someone just because they are nice to you, even if you don't know the person? like i know a few people feel like this but like is it just us few or is this normal???


@Life_isnt_real12 I LOVE YOUUU ❤️❤️❤️❤️


@Makgotheart it's funny cause I was talking about you here at the time 