
If you are here to send me a scam message about your website where you want to "publish" my book you didn't read... go away.  Also stop targeting my fanfictions - you and I both know those can't be published for money since I don't own the characters.


If you are here to send me a scam message about your website where you want to "publish" my book you didn't read... go away.  Also stop targeting my fanfictions - you and I both know those can't be published for money since I don't own the characters.


PSA if anyone reaches out to you from any stories delete and report the message. They aren’t spam - per say - but they are pretty shady in their working. I did some digging and the stuff they’ve done to people who have give them their work... yikes 


PSA if you guys get a message from someone at webnovel - DELETE THAT and report it as spam. While webnovel is legit - they will take 50% of any profits you might make. They also won't let you delete your novel off their website. It is shady. Don't get into that. Read the wattpad forum on it for more information. Stay safe!


Hi guys. I'm still very much alive. Still writing. I WAS very busy with nursing school. I say was, because thanks to the Coronavirus I'm now doing online school (or will start soon) and they have zero idea how to get my clinical hours in. Also they have no idea how to give us tests anymore when they can't watch us. Fun. My little college was not prepared for the end of the world.
          HAPPY FRIDAY THE 13th... I guess.