
Hey there Lexie, This is lexie from October 2021. Things have changed.. and not really in a good way. Last time I wrote I was moving to Sd and starting ADT. To sum it up. Grandma brought a random man to "Help" drive me back to Sd with her because I was new at driving on the highway at the time. He ended up saying he was at our house for a vacation, grandma didnt tell grandpa that she was bringing this dude, and he tried to sexually assault Colleen. I think you can guess whether or not I went with them. After all of the conversations I had with grandma about my anxiety, and she thought it would be a good idea to bring a stranger to come help take me to South Dakota. GIANT red flag and I think I may have dodged a bullet. There are many other little details that she did that made my descion to stay final. Like pressuring me to leave 2 days earlier than agreed so she could go to a birthday party...  not to mention she asked if we were being dramatic and if it was that serious that the RANDOM STRANGER was touch all over my 17 year old sister. Who SHE didnt know and he had no reason to be touching her.. I cant get into it right now. She got an earful from me already bit I will never trust or forgive her, she is a joke in my eyes. Anyways so that's what happened, oh and ADT sucked. I'm glad I got out when I could and i can honestly say i dont regret that decision. Soo now what. Ellie is going to school at a daycare and I sub there. I'm like a stay home nanny for the house. I'm terrified to get collage started and I dont really have a plan at the moment. My overall big plan was to get that stuff started in SD. But I can't complain, I have a roof im living under amd I'm with my siblings. I'll figure it out eventually, I just have to stay positive. So fun fact Savanna has been at a place called flyca for about four and a half months now. It's like a boot camp that helps you get geds and basically start your life.


(Had to do a part 2) She comes home In a month amd IM SOO EXCITED, I miss her so much. We are going to do a ton of stuff and celebrate. I'm so proud of her for going out there and getting things done. She is such a good example and she is an incredible person. On that note.. Colleen has basically taken my place in SD but a few months later. She went to live with my grandparents even after everything that happened. And for her, she is doing extremely well and I'm super proud of her! I guess things have changed a bit there since February and that is great for them. Anywho, I'm still single and will probably be forever. I don't really mind it though to be honest.I still have no friends, I have CRIPPLING anxiety (Not self diagnosed). I dont know if I'll ever get over it to be honest. I tried therapy but still feeling this way. I hate to leave this on a bad note but I'm not going to hope you have a ton of money or already starting a career. I hope you are happy future lexie. Please know that it's going to be okay, that even if your goals arent accomplished yet that there is still time. Love you lots.


Hey there Lexie, This is lexie from October 2021. Things have changed.. and not really in a good way. Last time I wrote I was moving to Sd and starting ADT. To sum it up. Grandma brought a random man to "Help" drive me back to Sd with her because I was new at driving on the highway at the time. He ended up saying he was at our house for a vacation, grandma didnt tell grandpa that she was bringing this dude, and he tried to sexually assault Colleen. I think you can guess whether or not I went with them. After all of the conversations I had with grandma about my anxiety, and she thought it would be a good idea to bring a stranger to come help take me to South Dakota. GIANT red flag and I think I may have dodged a bullet. There are many other little details that she did that made my descion to stay final. Like pressuring me to leave 2 days earlier than agreed so she could go to a birthday party...  not to mention she asked if we were being dramatic and if it was that serious that the RANDOM STRANGER was touch all over my 17 year old sister. Who SHE didnt know and he had no reason to be touching her.. I cant get into it right now. She got an earful from me already bit I will never trust or forgive her, she is a joke in my eyes. Anyways so that's what happened, oh and ADT sucked. I'm glad I got out when I could and i can honestly say i dont regret that decision. Soo now what. Ellie is going to school at a daycare and I sub there. I'm like a stay home nanny for the house. I'm terrified to get collage started and I dont really have a plan at the moment. My overall big plan was to get that stuff started in SD. But I can't complain, I have a roof im living under amd I'm with my siblings. I'll figure it out eventually, I just have to stay positive. So fun fact Savanna has been at a place called flyca for about four and a half months now. It's like a boot camp that helps you get geds and basically start your life.


(Had to do a part 2) She comes home In a month amd IM SOO EXCITED, I miss her so much. We are going to do a ton of stuff and celebrate. I'm so proud of her for going out there and getting things done. She is such a good example and she is an incredible person. On that note.. Colleen has basically taken my place in SD but a few months later. She went to live with my grandparents even after everything that happened. And for her, she is doing extremely well and I'm super proud of her! I guess things have changed a bit there since February and that is great for them. Anywho, I'm still single and will probably be forever. I don't really mind it though to be honest.I still have no friends, I have CRIPPLING anxiety (Not self diagnosed). I dont know if I'll ever get over it to be honest. I tried therapy but still feeling this way. I hate to leave this on a bad note but I'm not going to hope you have a ton of money or already starting a career. I hope you are happy future lexie. Please know that it's going to be okay, that even if your goals arent accomplished yet that there is still time. Love you lots.


Hey past and future Lex. Hope you're doing okay. It is now january 2021, and I'm doing pretty good, compared to how I was. Today is actually Ellie's birthday too, she's 4 now. I finally put in my 2 weeks for wonderworks on the first. There was alot of drama involved with that but I'm finally somewhat out of it. I currently am starting on the 14th of February, a brand new job at a new company. Making about twice I make at wonderworks. I'm also moving out to live with grandma and grandpa in south dakota. And I'm actually pretty excited about it, and I hope it goes well. I am having some scared feelings about the new job though, and leaving wonderworks. I hope that passes soon and I can fully feel comfortable and calm with my decision. Mom and dad are still getting a divorce, and at this point I'm just irritated and annoyed by the while situation. Its honestly just sad now. I dont even want them to be together anymore, I just want the drama to be over. And that's what I am hoping I achieve from moving away for a little bit. Getting away from drama and trying to focus on me a little but more. I plan on trying to get a new car once I fully move up there too. I get my wisdom teeth out on the 8th of February and I'm kind of excited about that too, that have been a little painful. I'm still single and my friend situation is still about the same lmao. But overall I have to say things are a bit better. I hope my luck stays for a little while because I feel like before all I had was bad luck. Love you lots, please keep trying to work on your health. It will be worth it in the long run and you will feel better, I'm 100% sure of that. Good luck! 


Hey future Lex, it's me. I'm 19 now and still at wonderworks. I just recently went to my first gender reveal.. it was interesting. They ended up getting the gender wrong and then there was drama. I currently have the twins, maddie, jj, Kinzie, slade and cameron in my class. Im a little more organized in my classroom and starting to feel somewhat like a real teacher. I've been trying to save up still and I'm still working on it. I need a new car, old cricket is dying on me but maybe I can figure something out. Mom and dad are still getting a divorce but things are a little less tense now. I haven't been threatened to be kicked out in a while. I'm trying to stay low key and save... still single, and still dont have many friends.. I've come out to myself and savanna but not to anyone else. Which really isnt a concern for me because it doesnt matter who I'm attracted too because we are all humans and I hate labels. Other than that life is okay, I've been sick for the past month, with a cold... got covid tested and ig came back negative so that's always nice. Hope things have gotten a little better for you. Im hoping you have a big stash of savings cause I'd really like that right now. Love you


I almost want to keep making conversations every once in a while on wattpad just to see what I wrote at each age. Hi future lexie, I hope you're doing okay! I'm 18 and working at wonderworks, it's very stressful and some days I honestly just want to quit but somedays I love it. Its Corona Viris 2020, also 4/20/2020 happened, though i did nothing but work ha. But savanna sent me a bunch of 4/20 emojis :) I'm single and kinda broke.. Mom and dad are getting a divorce.. and I might need to move out, things are kinda tough at the moment but though it doesnt seem like, I'm still trying to stay positive ha. I've recently become interested in learning more about witchcraft, *Whispers* "Maybe I can become a witch!" Haha idk. I dont have many friends at the moment but I'll try to work on that. I really hope you are doing okay, I cant really think of some encouraging words to say to you that you will even belive in the future :) but Yeah, I just hope we are doing a little better now, Probably not... I kid! Anyways, keep saving money and work hard. Love you...


Heyo, soo it's me and I haven't been on here updating in seriously forever. And I had been thinking lately and I don't know if I'm want to update more of my Magcon tour book...  I don't think anyone is reading it anyways.. before I was rereading what I had and I couldn't figure out what I wanted so I just stopped and now I have like no inspiration anymore for it so I think I want to stop writing it. Latley I've been thinking of another story that I might want to start. Anyways if anyone really wants to me to finish Magcon tour go ahead and tell me. Otherwise it think that those 6 chapters are just going to sit there like that have. Thanks so much guys. Oh and just a reminder I do l Magcon requests if anyone wants one. Just have to tell me what kind of theme you want and guy. 


Hi to anyone looking at my Wattpad, i am rewriting my Magcon tour book because I wasn't very pleased with how I wrote it and how it ended. So I unpublished it and now there are only 6 chapters. But don't worry( I doubt your worrying LMAO.)  I am still writing because I really want this book to be good and hopefully I can get some good reviews. Anyways thank you for the 300 followers and read my books Thank you!!


@Lexiemendes01 ..... Ok boo!!!      "Like you will worry"... Haha u make me laugh you make my day lol wish u a late Easter and have a good day and give me tips for my book and a new profile pic lol!!!!!!!!!.            -joy


Sorry bish, Cam is mine


@Lexiemendes01  Sorry for takin yo man, but I'm in LOVE too❤️❤️❤️