
I think I woke up the neighborhood with my screaming, I saw a spider in my room and I literally screamed my lungs out (I have phobia of spiders) I wasted half the spray bottle on it... 


Chat, yesterday he grabbed on to my waist and shoulder and said excuse me soni cold move to the side bc I wsd in the frikin way, WAAAAAKKSKD  DID HE HAVE TI GRAB ONTO ME??? LIKEEBAAAAAAAAA


@Levthelobster  I think he likes me idkk...../j


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@Levthelobster UGHHH AND HE ALSO LENT ME HIS GLASSES AND I WAS LIKE "haha I can't see shit these r fake " AND HE LAUGHED AND SAID "ha I thought so since u use glasses and stuff I thought you could tell" AAHH GUYS HE THIUGHT IF MEEEEE 