
          	D’ora in poi pubblicherò anche il giovedì ogni due settimane in modo che la storia finisca precisamente per il giorno in cui ho prestabilito di finirla!


Su Instagram adesso potete trovare i profili dei protagonisti de “La Stella del mio destino”.
          Leslie Carrera: leslie_carrera_xo
          Cassidy Cooper: cassidy_cooper_xo
          Peter Parkinson: peterparkinson_books
          Il profilo per John arriverà domani!!!


So I’ve just finished Cupid’s Match Trilogy with spin offs and I love them. Why aren’t the books already famous in all parts of the world? 
          If I was older, I would have put them down in Italian for a House, but I can not... so I’ll wait for someone to do it


Or maybe I’ll read them in French 


Ok I’m not gonna tell my crush I like him. I think he is really disinterested so I should keep all for myself. Maybe I could try to get closer to him when we’ll be together for a month in England with the school... but I think I just have to go on 


By the end of the school year should I tell my crush I like him? Because I’m confused and if I should do that, I would tell him with a song or with a letter


@xsheeranssmilex non so se lo vedrò. Abita in una città vicino a dove vivo io, ma è molto riservato e chiuso e non esce mai. Quasi sicuramente non lo vedrò. Tra l’altro non è della mia scuola. 


Allora dipende, se quest’estate vi incontrerete per ora non glielo dire , se invece no diglielo! Però accertati che almeno un minimo interesse ci sia


Hey, could someone explain me why tell your crush you love him is so difficult? Thanks.
          *really desperate*


and with this, I disappear from wattpad for other six months or so


'cause we live in a constant state of fear. Fear we'll be rejected, and it'll hurt like hell. Fear our hearts will be torn apart. Fear of our own emotions, probably. They say love is the strongest thing ever, so it'd be perfectly normal for us to be afraid of the fact that it grows inside of us. It will destroy us all. That's probably why we all read so much. We prepare ourselves to enter in this world of tears and suffering, of happiness that seems unending, until it unfortunately ends. One day, we will all be caught up in love, in some way. So, do it from now, as it will prepare you for the next time. And, maybe, there will be a day when you'll remember the tears you've cried for a boy that you don't even remember, only knowing he was the first time your heart was broke