
this message may be offensive
Lol. I get a kick outta so many dudes thinking I'm straight as I basically solely do straightships. I mean, I mentioned it in my One Piece fic before I got so pissed I deleted the thing, but dude, I'm gay as hell. Legit, I am gay and despise the majority of the gayships you'd ever see not because the characters made gay no but how they're the bestest of everybibbles because specifically, they are gay. Especially any alpha gay bakugo stories as fucker is so beta even i feel ashamed to be gay.  Like the fuck kind of bullshit is that? Oh we the best because we suck and ride dick...a very retarded way of viewing things as the least ever important aspect of humanity is whether they prefer pussy, dick or both. Who you fuck has no impact on if you're a good person or even worthy of being remembered in the end. How you treat others, though definitely, is important. 


@Leonatix Then again they have no say in how you make it


@treyrobinson2 yeah yet they never stop. 


this message may be offensive
Lol. I get a kick outta so many dudes thinking I'm straight as I basically solely do straightships. I mean, I mentioned it in my One Piece fic before I got so pissed I deleted the thing, but dude, I'm gay as hell. Legit, I am gay and despise the majority of the gayships you'd ever see not because the characters made gay no but how they're the bestest of everybibbles because specifically, they are gay. Especially any alpha gay bakugo stories as fucker is so beta even i feel ashamed to be gay.  Like the fuck kind of bullshit is that? Oh we the best because we suck and ride dick...a very retarded way of viewing things as the least ever important aspect of humanity is whether they prefer pussy, dick or both. Who you fuck has no impact on if you're a good person or even worthy of being remembered in the end. How you treat others, though definitely, is important. 


@Leonatix Then again they have no say in how you make it


@treyrobinson2 yeah yet they never stop. 


@treyrobinson2 as in truth it was a collab between myself, Slysir, Liam, Trish and unyieldingwill. They understood why I had yet to update it because I was so frustrated i had decided to restart the series itself as a whole and researched the various races, devil fruits, haki, and characters in an effort to make it easier to determine what changes I wanted to make. As unlike in Canon I had a large role for Jewelry that was going to begin as soon as they entered the grand line even though she was the last member I had added to the harem list. 


@treyrobinson2 yeah. I took months off of writing to try and handle what parts of canon I was going to keep in it and what things I would change. I even had Liam and a few others helping me before I decided to put it on hiatus. I had so many people constantly hounding me over the story making demand after demand or hating on me for changing certain aspects of characters. Finally had enough of dealing with it. 


Say farewell to dual blades luffy and if any of you want to bitch to about it send all your hate to a fucktard called DerekRussell4


@treyrobinson2 ah cool. Though I was gonna make him Star and Stripe's only child but give him a female cousin based on a character from DQ8 who is the OC aunts daughter. 


@Leonatix Nice also if you do give him a Oc sister or Sisters here's is what she can look like go to Google and type in Dragon's Crown Amazon and Witch for what they can look like


After finally getting my life back together, I have returned. Sorry for any and all who have been waiting for updates. I'm working on them now. For the one piece fic, it's on hold for now. Mainly because I have some research to begin for the series as a whole to help me figure out how best to go moving forward. However, when I do have it figured out, I'll definitely update it. I have to figure out parts of Canon I need to keep in so as to make my own changes not affect the main story as a whole. Plus, it's a massive series, and I want to be sure I myself fully understand certain aspects. Especially when it comes to the various haki and which crewmates I will be giving Haki to that had not happened in the series. Plus, to be fully honest with a series as long and convoluted as One Piece is I kind of got super intimidated.


@Leonatix that does actually make sense given the amount of story is involved in One Piece and how many times even minor characters or events turn out to be incredibly important later on. 


@Leonatix … *looks at my custom Haki I made that affects all three Haki as a whole, yet makes it more powerful*