
Hello, I can make one more request, I would like it with Stella, but it’s probably better with Bloom, there was like a battle there and the reader suffered very much, but I can’t formulate further, what I want for the ending I can’t understand, so many thoughts. I would be very grateful if you wrote this story.
          And sorry for being rude.  There is also a request for another story besides this one, about Terra, I know that she is not on the list, if you want you can replace it, but I would very much like her to show character, the reader gets into some kind of story and she scolds him.  Thanks again.


Sorry for my English.  I don't know how to write a request on tumblr, so I'm writing here.  I pray the writer you are the only one I found who writes by Stella and the reader, you can post a story on tumblr about Stella's very great jealousy, thanks to which she understands that she loves the reader, or about some kind of battle, training, where the reader suffered and she is too sharp  reacts, fairy or specialist reader is your choice, but I ask that there be a girl.


@ LenaLoppe  One of the requests is already posted on my tumblr. Thanks for your request.


@Lenuxx18xx. Thank you very much, you are just gold.


@LenaLoppe I will try to make your request appear in the next week and of course I will let you know when I post :)