
So I was sitting and wondering what kind of things people do with their free time other than reading? I'm stuck for ideas. Any help? Please. :D


Ah. Lovely. Rollerblading haven't tried that might give it a go. 
            On second thought, after looking it up I think it's safer not to. Balancing and coordination not my strong suit. :P Hiking safer might give that a go instead. 
            Thanks for ideas hun.


Game alert!!
          Okay my people anyone saw the live Xbox and Bethesda game showcase 2022 last night? 
          If not then you most definitely should. One of all time best RPG game is coming out to XBOX!!! 
          Everone who has XBOX or PS should give this a go even if RPGs aren't your thing. 
          The Game: Persona5 
          Impatiently waiting Lena_Castle


How do you know you are grown up?
          I figured it out earlier on today. It’s when your head and stomach tell you, you can’t eat any more cake. But your heart wants you to eat the slice you got on the plate. But in the end you listen to the head and stomach and leave the cake unfinished on your plate not letting it serve it’s delicious purpose of giving you a proper sugar rush. 
          That’s how you know you’re grown (or almost) up.  


Anyhow CHAPTER 17  of The Moon Goddess is UP AND READY for a fresh pair of eyes to critique it! Please be my guest. 
          Another chapter done very late but is done. If anyone is reading I do apologise about the posting delays. End of year exams are a pain and extra time consuming but good grades are worth the time you put in.


Okay I need to share this author with all of you who have not yet read her books not on Wattpad but I’m so entranced after finishing the first book of The Ravenhood series that I need to inform the world of it. (Over dramatic) 
          But do give it a go it’s the most infuriating read, brilliant characters, romance and some x rated scenes. If it sounds even a little interesting do give it a go and don’t hate me for it but a little tip: get all 3 books, don’t share so you don’t wait for your sibling to finish book two before getting your hands on it! 
          THE RAVENHOOD SERIES (3 part starts with Flock) BY KATE STEWART. 


Hi Everyone!
          Hope you all are going to have an amazing weekend. 
          Quick question to anyone who loves to write. 
          I am looking for tips on how do you plan your stories. Short. Long. Medium. Any tips at all. I'm stuck on my idea and need something, anything at all to help and jump over this. 
          DO you plan out every chapter or loose synopsis of the story (Beginning, middle, end) Or just go with the flow? I'd greatly appreciate anyone taking their time reading this or commenting your helpful tips. 
          Thank you in advance Lovelies!


@ChappygoChucky Love your reply! Just saw it there and it makes sense. Thank you for taking the time to share this with me! Greatly appreciated lovely. 
            (Haha don't worry hun about the curses. Literally from a family of sailors! :D )


@ChappygoChucky dang, I’m really vulgar, I just use curse words like in basically everything i say just sprinkled here and there, and then I see something saying “grrr curse word bad” and im like “WHERE DID I EVEN SAY ONE- ohhhh”


this message may be offensive
@Lena_Castle I mean, I’m a slow writer, like really slow, but the way that has worked for me so far is have a general over view of the story, and for me it’s like I think of a funny or romantic scene, and I’m like shit I want to write that, so I form a story around it, who are the characters in the scene, where did they come from and why are they acting like they do in the scene, and then that sort of leads to more scene ideas, so I do an overarching plot with like important scenes that would be crucial for the story. Then I have like more specific planning, and this is for like each chapter, but it’s more like in a checklist style “they do this then this then this, great now write it in a pretty way to get the idea across the same way you’re imagining it” and from there I just like write and make up stuff and I go from like thing I wanted to happen to thing I wanted to happen, like talk go outside kill dragon, great make it sounds story like