
          	I cannot emphasize the importance of how racism is so unfair and disgusting. There is no excuses at all for what they have done. Please donate to the foundations and help the best you can.
          	Thank you.


Hi, my fellow followers. I know I been a bad writer for not updating anything. However, this idea had been in my mind for a really really long time and I feel something good about it. This will be updated frequently, at least more frequently than my other stories. I have been getting a major writer's block sooo... I was really nervous to post this. Please give this a try and make sure to give me any sort of feedback at all. https://www.wattpad.com/story/170293541


Hi guys. I’m sorry for disappearing off the face of Wattpad. I been on some bad writer’s block for a while now and I can’t bring myself to write a full novel for once. I’m now full of doubts whether I could ever become a proper author.
          Me and my friend are deciding to do a collab, and I have a feeling this collab can motivate me to writing again. 
          I’m sorry for all uncompleted books I left. I can’t write anything, it’s all blank in my mind.
          I love you guys, thanks for following me even though I’m not updating. 


Next week, my school will start so please pardon me if I don’t update weekly. I been getting ready for school and lately writing been quite hard for me. I’ll try to update this week. I’m deeply sorry.


Thank you so much:)


@Lelia_Leeson Don't worry. Your study is more important. We'll understand :) ❤