
P.s. Updated Profile so go check that out!


(2/2) The Knife Alchemist
          The reason for not continuing this is actually a bit more complicated. When I started writing TKA I started at the end of 8th grade and during my summer break before entering my freshman year of high school so I had more than enough time to write and have fun with this. I had actually planned out most of the story, I hand writ 60 pages before I began posting it on here! Although as I began writing it on wattpad I began making changes as I wrote it. This managed for more chapter to be created than I had actually written before hand which caused me to have a HUGE writers block so I stepped away hoping that I could figure it out. The block was definitely not going away for quite a while and during that time things began coming up. I started my first year of high school, I fractured my arm from falling down the stairs (couldn't type), I was part of my schools theater, bowling team, and track team. This took up a large amount of my time. Now I'm a sophmore and I'm still very busy. During the summer I took driver's ed and when school started I got a job. I currently have a routine of going to school, going straight to work afterwards, heading home, having dinner, doing homework, and going to sleep. I rarely have time to see my friends or just go out but I don't want to use this for people to feel bad for me or use this as an excuse. 
          I am so deeply sorry for leaving all of you the way I did, word can not describe how sorry I am and I'm going to make it up to you all.
          WELCOME ME BACK CUZ I'M GETTING OFF MY HIATUS! That's right you heard me! I'm coming back and writing and finishing those stories. I'm going to re-write TKA and continue it and I'm going to write the sequel to Is this a Dream or is it Real! Not only that but I want to be more active with you guys so occasionally I will be willing to write a couple of one shots of my stories based off your ideas!  Just message me your ideas! Although I will not post a lot, I'll do the best I can.


(1/2) Hello fellow followers! First of all I'm very extremely sorry for just ditching wattpad the way I did. I know a lot of you have been waiting for writing to return and it makes me so happy for people to enjoy my writing so much so let me explain why I've been on such a long hiatus. 
          Is this a Dream or for Real?
          The reason for why the sequel for this book has not been written is because...I wrote this one summer in middle school! It was my first story on wattpad! I honestly just wrote that because I had nothing better to do and I was obsessed with KH. I stepped away from KH after I finished it and when I came back and thought it was total crap so I left it alone. I never thought that so many people would actually demand the second book!