
I am alive.


I’m looking through my notifications and I see that people are posting crap, even if they aren’t posting stories... is that a thing I should be doing? Woops! Welllll Christmas is coming up! So uh, why not ask u guys a question? If u could have one of the seven soul traits, (integrity, kindness, perseverance, bravery, justice, patience, and determination) which one would it be? I would definitely be kindness. If U can’t figure it out, I like to ask myself, 
          What would u do if one of your friends, was picking on one of your other friends? (Assuming u have friends) depending on what u do, that can REALLY show what ur soul trait is! Sorry this post is so long!!!! Bye dudes!


I'm so sorry I havn't updated a story in a while! I have been busy with building gardens, watching my brother, and getting ready for school to start in a few days. So I will share a really good song to make up for it.
          -crazy=genius By:panic! at the disco.