
this message may be offensive
Sorry I've been dead for so long, had a lot of shit going on in my life, still do, but it's cooled down. I've been on A03 a lot for the past few years but I'm trying to cut down on that and get back to my writings. I'll probably be posting some WIPS here soon, maybe even tomorrow morning before work if I get up, lol. So, hopefully, I'll be on here more!! (If anyone wants to check out my A03, it's fuzzyblanketcuddles, I have some Spirk on there)


this message may be offensive
Sorry I've been dead for so long, had a lot of shit going on in my life, still do, but it's cooled down. I've been on A03 a lot for the past few years but I'm trying to cut down on that and get back to my writings. I'll probably be posting some WIPS here soon, maybe even tomorrow morning before work if I get up, lol. So, hopefully, I'll be on here more!! (If anyone wants to check out my A03, it's fuzzyblanketcuddles, I have some Spirk on there)


Tonight, on the X Files, after 25 years of perilous waiting (1 for me since I just got into this) we fans have finally got what we wanted. Mulder and Scully, One Bed Trope, sex. They. Had. Sex. 
          It. Is. Canon. 
          Gillian Anderson conformed this.
          I, have died.


Oh my GAWD!! I looked up Mulder and Scully Truth or Dare... It has the smuttiest stuff on there I swear I died and came back alive, then died again when I read it. Its on archive of our own. When you look it up on Google the description will read, " 'Truth or Dare Scully' 'Excuse me' 'Truth or Dare'. It is weird but frickin brilliant as well!


@LejahCuggles that was hilarious. I swear I just died for the 3rd I'm this year...and it's only the first day! Lol!!!


            Here's the link. It's called "trapped in the closet"


For all my X-files fans, this is the best vid ever, totally died, MUST WATCH!


This is amaziiing! 


Oh my Lord my dear followers, I am reading the most amazing TeenAU Scully/Mulder Fanfic, and there will be a kiss scene if we can get 1k reads. It's called Look Scully and is in my Best Fanfic Library. Please Please Please *shameless begging on hands and knees* read this beauty! You will fall in love with it as I have! So, pleeeeaaasse!


@LejahCuggles The X-Files fans invented shipping so...


@EpicElejah  Yes! I remember that one! It was really really good!!!!


@LejahCuggles I need to watch Mulder and Scully again. The show is amazing. I need to go back to my TVD story version of x-files with Elijah and Elena- The Vampire Files. 


I just got off a 3hr bussing shift where we were so busy we were on a 20min wait, we had no bus tubs, there was one dishwasher,  and no condiment cups.  Until that moment, I did not know what hell truly was. And when I finally managed to catch up with the dirty tables, I was literally ready to pass out. I'm sick as furk too, can barely breath. I'm a salsa mess from head to toe, high on Mnt Dew Voltage and sheer determination to get home and fall asleep watching X-files. I can do homework when I'm dead.


I am such an idiot


Oh, and my normal hours now are 5, no break, 3 nights a week. It's summer and a lot of bussed quit, so I'm working Tuesday til Sunday night for a while


this message may be offensive
Looking back at this I find it to be completely hilarious. 20 minute wait? No bus tubs? No blue cups? HA! Bitch for the past three nights we've been on an hour and a half wait, 15 reservations, I'm the only busser working in dining and the bar, last night we ran out of CHIPS AND FUCKING SALSA! And, haha, it was dollar margarita day a few days ago and i had to call cabs for several people when I can't even call pizza for myself. Not to mention I've been making crappy tips for working my ass off. Anyway, this is funny


          Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. Did you try saving it after typing it in? WATTPAD is suppose to prompt you to save it before it lets you turn the page. Try that. I hope that works. Bye 
          P.S. I like your new user name. They are the best hugs. Lol 
          Joanna ;) 


Guuuys!!! It's almost 4 where I'm at, and I'm still trying to change my user name to fuzzyblanketcuddles (because those are the best cuddles) and I CAN'T DO IT!!!!! When I go to my profile I can see it, but whenever I comment or something it shows up as LejahCuggles! Heeelllpp meh!


@EpicElejah  Thank you. I am doing okay as of now. I think I just bombed a Bone Fracture Test in my Medical Terms class, but thank you  for saying so. Hope your doing great too!


@LejahCuggles hi. It's ok either way. I see both actually. Lol. Hope you are doing fine. :)