
I hate X rays


@LeftArmSupremacy you know whats worse MRI'S THEY LOUDER THAN MY DAD DROPPING A FAT DUMP I SWEAR-


Opinions on x rays?


@sophia_vega x rays are a prime example of the letter ‘x’ (being used entirely for convenience and aesthetic purposes )being used in a way that makes it irreplaceable without making it ‘ecks- ray’, which looks undeniably stupid. The letter x is completely replaceable- when ‘x’ is used at the beginning of a word it can generally be replaced with ‘z’,’zh’ or some other variation of those, what the ‘x’ is at the beginning or end, it can be replaced with ecks, eks, ks , or some variation of that, the word toxin, for example, would sound the same if it was spelled toksin or tocksin, and the word xylophone would sound the same if it were spelled zylophone- the word X-ray, however would just look frivolous if it were spelled ecks-ray but it only exists because the letter ‘X’ was implemented into the alphabet In the first place, the letter x is a nuisance to the English language and makes it harder to speak and spell, it’s dead weight and I think it does not deserve to exist


@sophia_vega They should be called something else