
Hey everyone! I wrote a blog post about how I got my agent over at lee-who.com! If you could go check it out, that would be amazing!
          	I hope that my journey gives you some inspiration! Keep writing. Keep working hard. You'll get there. 


@LeeNewbery Hi Lee. I just noticed this post and read your blog article. CONGRATULATIONS! :D
          	  Having been going through the agent mill for the last two years, I found your post very uplifting. It's a long, tough process, isn't it? I've reached that point where I'm truly miserable and not holding out much hope. But I have a full manuscript with an editorial New York agent at the moment, and waiting (biting my nails) to hear from her. Wish me luck! Anyway, I'm so happy for you and looking forward to seeing The Moonlight Exchange in bookshops in the future!


Yr book is absolutely amazing...loved it...waiting deserately for the sequel ☺☺
          And I read yr blog, congratulations on getting an agent .
          And I did search patterpug in Google and Buzz's photo was there...he looked adorable 


Hey everyone! I wrote a blog post about how I got my agent over at lee-who.com! If you could go check it out, that would be amazing!
          I hope that my journey gives you some inspiration! Keep writing. Keep working hard. You'll get there. 


@LeeNewbery Hi Lee. I just noticed this post and read your blog article. CONGRATULATIONS! :D
            Having been going through the agent mill for the last two years, I found your post very uplifting. It's a long, tough process, isn't it? I've reached that point where I'm truly miserable and not holding out much hope. But I have a full manuscript with an editorial New York agent at the moment, and waiting (biting my nails) to hear from her. Wish me luck! Anyway, I'm so happy for you and looking forward to seeing The Moonlight Exchange in bookshops in the future!


          Hi all... okay, so I know it's been a long time since I finished The Magpie Effect, and I know a lot of people are waiting for a sequel. I still have the ideas bumping around in my head. BUT there is a genuine reason why I've been putting off writing it: for the past year and a half I've been working on a different novel.
          And on Friday, I was offered representation from an agent. GUYS I HAVE AN AGENT. I'm so incredibly excited and over the moon to announce this. Unfortunately, it means I'm going to be focussing a lot on this other book to get it ready for submission to publishers, so I hope you guys understand. But who knows, maybe one day in the not-too-distant future, you'll be able to read one of my actual published novels! And I have a feeling you guys will love this one.
          Anyway, that's my (rather huge?) news... I hope everyone is doing well! I'm still alive, so feel free to drop me a message or something!
          Until next time,
          - Lee


@LeeNewbery  happy for you and i hope it all goes well :)


Guys! Remember me? That guy who wrote a ghost story and is taking forever to write a sequel? Oh, yeah, that guy.
          Well, anyway, I'm sorry I've been inactive for so long. There is a good reason, I promise! A writer-y reason which I hope will bring good news in the coming months!
          Until then, I've started a blog, and today I wrote a mini introductory post. Mini, like a chihuahua, and just as weird. Check it out at http://wp.me/p7G5MV-B
          I'll give an update soon!
          Thank guys, hope you're all well!