
The editing for We Save Leviathan's Chapter 1 has finished which means I can start on Chapter 2. *Cough I already have Cough* anyway new update either tonight or tomorrow. Comment, Vote, And all the nice things : )


     You've done good here. And you may never know this but I was so proud of you. However, I must take it from here. So that all you did wasn't for anything. So all those nights and days worrying, all those times the energy was missing, all the back to back sleepless nights weren't for nothing. You know the ones where day would break and sleep would find you in the new light. The dreams I'm sure would be of the future. The one you always knew were possible however...my poor old friend you always questioned the reach. There is time still. No. From here on out there is ALWAYS time. 
               I'll save you a pint and stool at the bar. That way when you turn and look back this time, it'll be for a better reason. 
                 Sincerely with heart and soul,
                 Oracle Cre Foster


The editing for We Save Leviathan's Chapter 1 has finished which means I can start on Chapter 2. *Cough I already have Cough* anyway new update either tonight or tomorrow. Comment, Vote, And all the nice things : )