
Hey guys, HUGE announcement. Sadly it's bad news. The Reading App called Radish was apparently alerted by users that my stories were free on here. I didn' tknow Radish would make my stories free on their platform or delete them for having the stories free on Wattpadd but not free on Radish. What does this mean? you'll notice all my complete novels are gone. I'm sorry. But I need the money and my stories which got deleted from Radish this afternoon will probably mean I lose my house and car if I can't get the stories republished on Radish and earning money again. If you love my books, please check your local libraries to see if you can get the ebooks for free from your library using a service called OverDrive. I put almost all my books I can on there through libraries. So please check there if you want to keep reading my books!


@LexiVanes yes the League of Rogues series is on Radish!


@LaurenSmithAuthor is the series starting with the Duke, I think "Wicked Rivals" is part of it, on Radish? I'd love to read them again.


I ONLY follow the BEST writer and you are ONE of them! Keep writing and more power! God bless!


Hola me alegra decir que soy una de tus fans , amo cada libro de la serie La liga de los pícaros, en verdad me han echo imaginar tantas cosas y disfrutar de cada historia.  Te deseo lo mejor ❤saludos desde Cuba 


@LeidyLMRojas¡Muchas gracias! ¡Me hace mucha ilusión saber de un lector español! Tengo más libros en camino en la serie, así que sigan atentos a ellos. Siempre establezco las fechas de lanzamiento en el futuro para cada libro, pero la traductora los termina antes y yo actualizo el lanzamiento para que salgan pronto. Una vez que terminemos esa serie, tengo muchos otros libros en inglés que ella traducirá, así que manténgase atento a mis nuevos libros. Siéntase libre de enviarme un correo electrónico en cualquier momento a


Hi. I've visited your website and looked at the book list. It says that the 18th book in the league of rogues series is coming soon. My question is, how many total books are in the series and by when will the series end. I prefer to wait for the series to be completed before I delve into it. 


@luvitalianfood thank you❤️ sorry for the really late reply. Idk how I missed your reply but I appreciate you answering my question❤️❤️❤️


@luvitalianfood HI! So far there is 18 books. You might be waiting a while since I plan to write at least another 10 or 15 books one book a year for a while on the series. The main books you'd want to read in order are really through book 9. that gets you the main heroes in the league. After that it's lots of side characters that are featured in the later books.


Hi where can I read The magicians books that you have posted here


Okay thankyou! 


@Ritikaghy The complete story what it's based on? If you look up the Magicians books I think the author who wrote the originals is Lev Grossman? I can't remember


Hi is Legally Charming here on wattpad? Please would like to start reading it my friend suggested it 


@fernill Thanks ❤️


@fernill Hi! I had to remove all my stories from here for a few reasons. They were being pirated by overseas companies who were reselling them for money or free to thousands of people illegally.  
            You can either read it on the Radish reading app or you can read it here:


Hi there. I was just reading Her Wicked Proposal and came from radish. I felt like I have read Gordic and Emily's story but can't seem to find. If you can just tell me the series name. Thank you.<3


awww thank you so much for the help. ily<3


@dancedemon You're welcome :) And you can look at my website at any time to read the synopsis to see which books are about which characters :)


thank you so much <3


Lauren, I love your books, please make books with diversity, please. We black girls are also your fans, it would be nice to see a book different from the standards, where there are only white people as protagonists. I love your books. ❤️


@DescaradadoHunter hi!! I'm so glad you told me!! There has been a lot of toxic activity between authors right now in the historical world especially where they don't believe that white authors should be allowed to write stories except about white people. I've been very nervous to do anything outside of my comfort zone due to the fact that any white author who's written a book with a character that's not white is then attacked, their career destroyed and their books defamed. I believe fiction is the power of putting yourself in someone else's shoes and imaginging what their lives are like which helps us all grow to be empathetic and caring individuals. I have so many wonderful story ideas for characters of color that I would love to write so if you dont mind, I would love to mention your message along with a few others of a simliar nature I've received in an introductory author's note to readers explaining why I wrote a story with a non white protogonist, that way readers will know I wasn't trying to tell a story that wasn't mine to tell for profit, but because wonderful, supportive readers like you want to read it! Just let me know if that's okay! I may be able to get a book on my release schedule for next year :)


Hi. I don't see any of your stories in Wattpad anymore. Are your stories on another app and how can I see them. Thanks


@mabella4u Thank you so much!! I really appreciate that!! :)


Thanks for your response LaurenSmithAuthor,I will continue reading your books on another app. 