
this message may be offensive
Dear Bullies and Tormentors, 
          	That boy you made fun of in class today? He killed himself a few minutes ago. 
          	That girl you called dumb? She has dyslexia. 
          	The girl you called fat? She's starving herself. 
          	That woman you called bald? She has cancer. 
          	The kid you called a shrimp? He has cancer too. 
          	That man you laughed at for having scars on his face? He fought bravely for our country. 
          	The boy you punched in the hallway? He's being abused at home. 
          	That child you called retarded for needing a wheelchair? He risked his life to save a four year old. 
          	That boy you laughed at for crying? His mother died in the hospital. 
          	You think you know them? Wrong, you don't know anything.


Post this on 15 of your favorite peoples pages: I have had struggles and you have too. But we both got through them. We both smiled at the end of it. You have made me happy and I hope I have made you happy, because you mean the world to me. I love you so much, don't ever forget that. Thank you for being there for me, just thank you.


Thanks for the the follow :)


Nice to meet you, too! :)


@nargles25 nice to meet you 


this message may be offensive
Dear Bullies and Tormentors, 
          That boy you made fun of in class today? He killed himself a few minutes ago. 
          That girl you called dumb? She has dyslexia. 
          The girl you called fat? She's starving herself. 
          That woman you called bald? She has cancer. 
          The kid you called a shrimp? He has cancer too. 
          That man you laughed at for having scars on his face? He fought bravely for our country. 
          The boy you punched in the hallway? He's being abused at home. 
          That child you called retarded for needing a wheelchair? He risked his life to save a four year old. 
          That boy you laughed at for crying? His mother died in the hospital. 
          You think you know them? Wrong, you don't know anything.


Dear bullies,
          The boy you just called gay today? His parents kicked him out yesterday because of his sexuality.
          The girl you just called fat? She is actually overdosing on diet pills. 
          The boy you called a loser? He committed suicide 2 hours later.
          The girl you just called ugly? She spends hours putting makeup on hoping people will like her. 
          The boy you just tripped? He is abused enough at home. 
          See that man with the ugly scars? He fought for his country. 
          That guy you just made fun of for crying? His mother is dying. 
          Put this on your profile if you're against bullying. I bet 95% of you won't, but I'm sure the people with a heart and backbone will.
          ♀+♀=❤ LOVE
          ♂+♀=❤ IS
          ♂+♂=❤ LOVE.