
just a quick survey my beautiful people.
          	what do you use when reading wattpad stories?


Ciao volevo solo dirti che la tua storia mi ha commosso tantissimo ho passato le ultime tre ore a piangere mentre la leggevo.
          A dirti la verità all'inizio non mi sembrava un granché. Pensavo sarebbe stata un'altra storia cliché, con lo stesso plot e trama, ma di certo mi ero sbagliata.
          Già dal primo capitolo la tua storia mi aveva intricato, di certo non mi aspettavo che fosse così.
          Tu sei una delle poche autrici che mi ha incollato al telefono per un giorno intero, una delle quali mi ha fatto piangere così tanto al punto a non riuscire più a fermarmi. 
          Amo la tua storia e il tuo modo di scrivere e perfetto mi dispiace solo che non ti ho potuto scrivere tutto questo in inglese.
          Per adesso è tutto spero di leggere un altro tuo libbro al più presto.
          Ps : ma Sebastian e davvero un demone? Non invecchia?


I wanted to take the time and say you are an amazing writer. This book was so good. It did hit home one some occasions, but that is a good thing that your readers can connect to. I cried a lot, some good some bad, but it was truly wonderful. I love how you used the people around you for inspiration. Asides from a few grammatical errors (bit of a grammer Nazi) you did great. I wished you would have went into further detail about there engagement night but that's cause I'm a perv, and like readin' that stuff. I was curious if you thought about writing another story perhaps? It would be awesome if you did, however I cannot be pushy. I was happy reading the story you have written. 


hey !? i love angel....o !! hahaha but i got a question for you , that i wish you could answer... uhmm whats your nationality ? (specifically) thanks. lots of love <3 


@28vampiredragon oh, his name is Angelo Silvestre. If you'll search him in facebook, he's the one wearing a flower crown 


@Lady_Fangs ohh :!! haha awesome haha and your OMG its everything that .i want !! like Black butler my fav ! im a HUGE  fan !! haha i love it really ... keep writing we love your works !! but if u dont mind whats your friemds whole name ? thanks !! lots of love !! <3 <3 <3 :-* 


@28vampiredragon hi mate. Thanks for reading Angel...o. i'm australian born. I do however a Filipino bestfriend which i got the ideas from.


your story made me cry...I've read a lot of books but this is the first time I've cried and had 'break time' lol Thx for the great book! :)


@Lady_Fangs your book was amazing and I hope you continue to write and improve along the way


@ginafirefox omg!!!! Thank you so much for kind words. I'm glad i have touched your heart. I wasn't that my story is really good but people like you who appreciates my work that makes me believe that i did a good job. Thank you so much.


          I just want to say that you are a good author and I really love your work. 
          You've done a very good job making Angel...o. You don't how you made me feel "kilig."  (if you know what I mean. ) and smile while reading your story. 
          p.s. I'm looking forward to what's coming next.  More power, more story and more blessings to you. 


@napanee thank you so much for reading it. im glad you liked it.
            i don't know what klig means (i have to ask my friend) but i take it as a good thing for you.
            thank you so much.
            i would appreciate it if you spread the love to your friends too 


I have a question
          it's not related to the book but what's your nationality?


@JMvelasquez02 ohhh so that's why BTW I'm Filipino too just like your friend


@JMvelasquez02 my bestfriend, Angelo, whom by the way was the subject and inspiration for this story, is a Filipino. They have this setup box called TFC and I always come and watch some filo shows with him. hahaha