
I need ideas guys!! I need help!! 
          	I've got the next chapter ready x2. That doesnt mean i've got the next two chapters ready. It literally means I've got two versions of the same (next) chapter ready, and i'm torn between which one I want to publish T^T 
          	Both have totally different stuff that are both equally important and idk what to dooo T^T
          	What am I supposed to do???


@LadyGalvin1130 *sigh* on one hand i'm proud of you for being such an evil author but on the other other hand NOOOOOOOOOOO WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY SOKEEEEFEFEFEFEFEEE


@Fractured-Colors this helped mee thank youu<33 They were both equally important, but this gave me the idea to just move the important information from version 1 over to version 2 and keep the scene that i like best the same :DDD
          	  im not sure what i can say about that last line... it's the complete opposite... 
          	  no sokeefe yet  >:D


@LadyGalvin1130 which one is more important for us to know immediately?
          	  if not that, which one makes a bigger cliffhanger? >:)
          	  and if not that, WHICH ONE INCLUDES SOKEEFE?


I need ideas guys!! I need help!! 
          I've got the next chapter ready x2. That doesnt mean i've got the next two chapters ready. It literally means I've got two versions of the same (next) chapter ready, and i'm torn between which one I want to publish T^T 
          Both have totally different stuff that are both equally important and idk what to dooo T^T
          What am I supposed to do???


@LadyGalvin1130 *sigh* on one hand i'm proud of you for being such an evil author but on the other other hand NOOOOOOOOOOO WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY SOKEEEEFEFEFEFEFEEE


@Fractured-Colors this helped mee thank youu<33 They were both equally important, but this gave me the idea to just move the important information from version 1 over to version 2 and keep the scene that i like best the same :DDD
            im not sure what i can say about that last line... it's the complete opposite... 
            no sokeefe yet  >:D


@LadyGalvin1130 which one is more important for us to know immediately?
            if not that, which one makes a bigger cliffhanger? >:)
            and if not that, WHICH ONE INCLUDES SOKEEFE?


Im curious; what do you guys' think the Renegades' abilities are? Why?
          (how accurate are you? >:)


@pookypooqy ... if Koen were an Empath, he'd be exactly like Keefe, huh? :) with the "K" in his name, his parent problems, and personality, they are pretty similar, huh? Lol whoops :P


            I think they are… this thing and Bcs yes 


a month's worth of writing in one of stories was just deleted from existence forever and I've got to start completely over. I wanna throw something. Hard. T^T
          anyway, how're you all doing? Writing/ reading lives any better? :,)


@pookypooqy thankfully no, it was for an og story ive been writing behind the scenes. The website I used for writing crashed and i did lose a bit of the Renegades chp, but that part was an easy fix so a new chp is on its way :D
            cant say the same about the other story tho.. :,)


            Were the stories for the renegades????


guys im scared to write. like, i think about it, and i start stressin out T^T
          I've got so many stories---some on my other acc---that all need to be written in, and also my og stories, but its all stressful, and idk how to get past that. 
          what am i supposed to do??? T^T


my next chapter, which I've been working on ALL DAY (T^T) has sent me down a spiral of confusion. It's a good chapter, but I'm so lost on what Im able to put in my story and what I can't now because of plots and all this stuff you guys don't need to worry about :P but uh... it *is* affecting how soon I'll publish, so until I work this out, it might be longer than I thought :,)
          just an fyi ... :)


So... I was writing the next chapter for "Renegades" for you guys, and it was good. I was REALLY happy with it. I'd spent days writing it. 
          But guess which idiot switched tabs before the writing had been saved, and accidentally deleted two hours worth of writing? 
          Me. That idiot was me. Now I have to go rewrite all of it, which sucks cuz the emotion WAS THERE. Now tho, im pretty chill so the emotion WONT be there when I go to rewrite it. 
          I kicked a wall, guys. Hard. It hurt. It also scared my little two year old brother. Now I've gotta go listen to a ton of sad songs and get into the "mood" again. I hate myself  why is writing so hard sometimes T^T


@LadyGalvin1130 my friend does the same thing where she needs music to write, but if she listens to sad music, she cries and her writing is AWFUL. Sucks that u lost your writing tho


okay, so from this list, who do you ship??? I need to know. 
          Dex x Biana
          Biana x Tam
          Dex x Linh
          Fitz x Chandelier 
          Fitz x Linh
          Dex x Marella
          Dex x Stina(?)
          which ones do you guys ship from this list cuz Dex and Marella get along and are chill, 
          but it'd also be a great story plot for two ex-rivals (sorta, cuz the Dizznees and Vackers hated each other-ish) would be super cute, but give off the same vibes as Marella and Dex who've been friends since the beginning, 
          and Stina and Dex ig is another rivals to (lovers in fanfics at least), 
          and Linh's a good counter to fitz's anger, but i dont see any love really, 
          Dex and Linh are both adorable cinnamon rolls and Tam (i think) does maybe crush on Biana cuz its hinted that he likes brunettes??


I’m sorry to everyone who lives dexiana but I’m such a “BAM! It’s Tiana!” girl it’s not funny!! also there’s hints dropped in the book about Tam liking biana and then biana liking tam..! They would be so cute together


who am I supposed to ship Fitz with? Seriously? Cuz having him date a chandelier in one of my fanfics while there's drama and dates with everyone else seems odd...


@LadyGalvin1130 yessss that would be amazingggg


@Moonlark34 lol. i could honestly just write a totally normal fanfic, where everyone's dating each other and everything's good, and then Fitz is just dating his chandelier. Pretend its totally normal, too. He's casually like, "You're looking extra sparkly today. Wanna hang later?"


@LadyGalvin1130 same… but I still feel like the chandelier would be a better match for him.