
Hey everyone. I know I haven't posted much here and today I went to post another chapter to a fic of mine but everything got jumbled together. I refuse to work like that and have to figure out how to under jumble it. So I'm no longer going to post anything on here. If you wish to see any of my works, please come and see me on, deviantART, Ficpad and even adultfanfiction.
          	I tried to give this site a chance, I really did, but I never really felt comfortable here.


Hey everyone. I know I haven't posted much here and today I went to post another chapter to a fic of mine but everything got jumbled together. I refuse to work like that and have to figure out how to under jumble it. So I'm no longer going to post anything on here. If you wish to see any of my works, please come and see me on, deviantART, Ficpad and even adultfanfiction.
          I tried to give this site a chance, I really did, but I never really felt comfortable here.


Please update on Starscream and Alexis please I love it. 


@Emerald2000 hi. I went to update Starscream and Alexis today but the chapter ended up being one major jumbled mess and when I went to remove the chapter, the whole story got deleted. If you wish to read the rest of the story, you can find it on under Lady1Venus. I have just about all my works there