our city is under lockdown :<  some of my fellow filipinos out there, please be careful and wear a mask when going out! 


Hello everyone, this is L_O_N_E_L_Y's second account. Or more like a backup, please do believe me that this is really me. I have matured and stopped writing books as of the moment, please help me report this account to get it deleted! I do not like the content I made here so I would like to start making new books, and I will forever be bothered that I used to post books like these ones that I published in L_O_N_E_L_Y account. Please do trust me and help me report this account so it can get deleted :((


@kaisdfghjk the one that I am using to inform you guys, this one I mean. @kaisdfghjkl or @kestcasso. I use one acc for reading and one acc if I will publish my book :)) thank you


@kaisdfghjk can i ask what account are you going to use if this got deleted


Hi! New supporter! How are you? <3


@Sunnivarian Hello everyone, this is L_O_N_E_L_Y's second account. Or more like a backup, please do believe me that this is really me. I have matured and stopped writing books as of the moment, please help me report this account to get it deleted! I do not like the content I made here so I would like to start making new books, and I will forever be bothered that I used to post books like these ones that I published in L_O_N_E_L_Y account. Please do trust me and help me report this account so it can get deleted :((


Hi you there?


@JADarkLight Hello everyone, this is L_O_N_E_L_Y's second account. Or more like a backup, please do believe me that this is really me. I have matured and stopped writing books as of the moment, please help me report this account to get it deleted! I do not like the content I made here so I would like to start making new books, and I will forever be bothered that I used to post books like these ones that I published in L_O_N_E_L_Y account. Please do trust me and help me report this account so it can get deleted :((


You're still reading my stories?
          I should inform you first about something, let's get straight to the point.
          You'll be soon bombarded with updates! Yes, I hope you're very excited with new updates of my stories, you should make sure to share them with your co-onces! Being an author is hard and I'm not that good in writing stories, but to you I'm good in writing them so I'll keep it up!
          again, be ready for many updates! byeee chinguuss


Hi Chinguuss!! Sorry if I update late in my stories, I'm making another one in a real book actually. So I hope you guys will still support me, again I apologize for late updates. Updates are coming your way so stay tuned!!!


Ok, sorry for the reader who love reading my Nobody else like you story. My Wattpad acc was hacked again and it got unpublished and deleted. but to make it up to you guys, I made a Mina x fem reader. It is entitled The Hows of Us please support the new book, and pray for my acc not to be hacked again☹


@L_O_N_E_L_Y okay, bitch I changed the title to Thantophobia 


this message may be offensive
guys, I can't take all this shit anymore. It's all depressing


@icemina you're really sweet❤ I wish there were more people like you who cares about my mental health. But you made the right choice to promote your book HAHAHA I really appreciate this.. Thank you so much❤ I'll talk to you if I have problems ok? you're really kind❤ I love you for that


@L_O_N_E_L_Y I was going to promote my book to you but tbh it doesn't really matter at this point. Are you alright dear? Do you need anyone to talk to, because I would be more than glad to have you vent to me. I'm really sorry that you feel this way :( 