
Just a reminder I might be self publishing my Loki X Reader story 'Girl With The Gold Earring' but due to copyright I have to change a few things. What would you guys like the main character and Loki to be called? What should the BOOK itself be called? Got any ideas for the cover? You guys wanted me to publish it so you could hold it in your hands, so I wanna get you involved with the design process so it's exactly what you wanted :-)


@LVE_32  Le pregunté a ChatGpt xD : "Signe" is a name of Norse origin meaning "new victory" or "victory is his". Although it does not directly refer to "Sigyn", it has a sonority and meaning that can resonate with the idea of strength and triumph, qualities that can also be indirectly associated with the figure of Sigyn in Norse mythology.


@LVE_32 last attempt… about Evie…(Evee)? 


@Fairydust2023 Astrid is already a very popular character from How To Train Your Dragon but I like raven. I think it would be perfect for another character though, one with black hair? Thank you!


Just a reminder I might be self publishing my Loki X Reader story 'Girl With The Gold Earring' but due to copyright I have to change a few things. What would you guys like the main character and Loki to be called? What should the BOOK itself be called? Got any ideas for the cover? You guys wanted me to publish it so you could hold it in your hands, so I wanna get you involved with the design process so it's exactly what you wanted :-)


@LVE_32  Le pregunté a ChatGpt xD : "Signe" is a name of Norse origin meaning "new victory" or "victory is his". Although it does not directly refer to "Sigyn", it has a sonority and meaning that can resonate with the idea of strength and triumph, qualities that can also be indirectly associated with the figure of Sigyn in Norse mythology.


@LVE_32 last attempt… about Evie…(Evee)? 


@Fairydust2023 Astrid is already a very popular character from How To Train Your Dragon but I like raven. I think it would be perfect for another character though, one with black hair? Thank you!


NEW PART of my SHERLOCK one shot book online now! 'A Cure For Insomnia ' has come to an end, people :-( I hope you liked it! Sorry it took so long to write! I've been so busy :-( Hope it was worth the wait, love you all


2/2 Anyway, thanks again, I love you alllll for the support! P.S if I did self publish don't even worry about shipping costs, I'm not doing this for the money! I'll put my sales cut as low as it can go, and even help some people with the shipping cost myself if they can't afford it (I know what it's like to struggle financially, so I feel you).
          I fully anticipate to make a loss on this, I'm just overjoyed like 5 people even want something I've written <3 So yeah um, thank you again, you're all absolutely amazing, and any ideas for the cover design let me know :-) my email in case you wanna contact me with images or in private:


@LVE_32 Traductor google: Even if I can't read English I would like your book... it might be difficult to send it but when you have it we will quote the shipping to Chile <3


@DaniellethatGORL Oh my gosh thank you so much! A few people are sending me some amazing fanart of my story, I'd love to use it all! (If I make it, obviously) I'm thinking of making a little section in the last few pages of the book where I can (with permission) include some people's art because I think it all deserves to be seen! 
            As for ways you could help me, I'm really struggling to come up with an idea for the cover! The story is about art so I think it should look illustrated and beautiful? Not just CGI like a lot of fantasy books. I just don't have any ideas!


@LVE_32 Hey girl, I am an artist too so if you ever need any help with illustrations for your amazing books, please, PLEASE, feel free to contact me, I'd love to help and would expect nothing at all in return.
            I love you always❤️❤️❤️


1/2 Thanks to everyone who said they'd like to buy a copy of 'Girl With A Gold Earring' if I self published :-) It means so much to me that people actually enjoy my stories!! I still haven't decided yet if I will do this, but if I did, does anyone have any ideas for a front cover? If I use your idea I'll credit you, obviously. I'd draw it myself as I studied art so I think I'd enjoy it, I just don't have any ideas! 
          Now, to everyone warning me about copyright: I forget some of you weren't here for the year I tried entering the Wattys! ':-D I actually edited the whole book but with original character/place names, and some of the lore/plot changed so it's indistinguishable from whatever tiny teeny references to Marvel I made in the original story. This version will absolutely fly on its own as an original work so no worries there. It's still absolutely the story you know and love! Just with Loki's name changed and Y/N has an actual name now :-) 
          @AlissaWasntAwake @Fairydust2023 @snow2050 @ladyloki06115 @3lpenguin3 @McD_Wifi @EmKay570 @Monkeygurlalways @llhlugo @WanderingThdoughFF @LoLwOlf937


Guys just hypothetically, if I self published my story 'girl with the gold' whatever, would any of you even buy it? It's ok if you wouldn't, just like give me a show of hands of like the 3 people that might :'-D  ':-D


@FanficCentral_07 Thank you so much!! That means the world to me, I'm so happy you enjoy my writing!! <3


I’m definitely late to the thread but YES I would totally buy it!! You are a fantastic author, and I love physical copies of books anyway 


@rinalaufey That makes me so happy oh my goodness!! <3 I'll keep you updated :-) Any ideas for the cover?


New part of my Loki X reader story 'girl with the gold' whatever online now :-) 
          Listen guys, is this one of your comfort stories? Coz I keep wondering if I should make it more exciting/if something should happen soon to shake it up a bit. 
          I wondered if some of you might be bored, but some of you also might not like too much action because you find comfort/escapism in Loki and Y/N just hanging out and being in love. 
          Obviously they're still heading to the land of the frost giants, but idk, is that enough action for you for now? I am honestly fine either way, I want you to like what you're reading :-)


@LVE_32 I personally also like the action too. I don't NEED it but I enjoy it when it is there. And just action in general, not just fighting or bedroom action. But I am really interested to see what happens when they do end up in Jotunheim, like when Y/N got herself in Vanaheim. It's all just really interesting to me to see how you take it and interpret their world. It really scratches the worldbuilding part of my brain I don't get to experience anymore, so thank you for writing all of this with so much details and story! ❤


@LVE_32 I love this story whenever it is going :3 I love the quiet moments, but can also handle some actions now and then, but the main thing is no matter what it turns into I will probably still be reading it xD


@That_1_Rat_In_Europe Aw thanks man, I'm really under no actual stress, you don't have to worry about me, sorry for the misunderstanding ':-D