Just participated in the BTS RETRO AWARDS 2021. I'm super excited about it! Everyone who wants their book to get recognized please join !!




@LUEURJ00N Thank you^^ Please fill out the forms on whichever you want to


first year of college was fine but the next two years have literally sucked the love out of me for every little thing I was passionate about. So much for education. Life was so different just 3 years ago I used to write vivaciously, update very regularly, had bursts of new ideas every week. But now it's just nothing. A big zero. what are we running against time for, mortgaging our passion & youth for, a stupid degree? I feel so lost rn. And I'm gonna graduate soon. I haven't written anything in 2 years, I didn't visit my account didn't update everything in my life is just incomplete and a mess. How does one feel if they can't ever be fully good at something? If it's always half decent or just "eh"  and not excellent?