
Sorry I'm not updating. It's taking me awhile to figure out a new story. I'm trying to create something really good for you guys :)


Hey love, I'm a super fan of Larry and 1D and I came across your page for your series and I think it would be a good Idea to put "Book1" in your first book in the title or the summary bc I just got so confused on which book to read first. ❤️ 
          Have a lovely day! 


          So, besides this account and my other account @curly_and_lou I have another account that I have listed on both account's about pages. This account is called @rainbowships and it's an account for all the other 1D ships besides Larry (who am I kidding, there will still be Larry here and there on the account). But, the big news is that I just finished the book that I'd been writing for years under that account! So, that means that I'll be posting the first chapter very soon. So, please follow my other account and start the journey of a new book! You should take a shot (if legal) for every time I said account... LOL