Please I need to do research/data collection from people for my sociology project. Please someone help me!!! 
          	No names will be used.
          	Just give me your opinion on if social media has an effect on anorexia. If yes, then answer if it is a positive or negative effect, and if comfortable doing so explain it more.
          	Please answer, you can pm me your answers!!! I just need data, and don’t want to scour the internet for it for like 10 hours!! HELP A LAZY PERSON OUT, PLEASE!!
          	My class got more time to do it so I have till Monday to collect data.


Please I need to do research/data collection from people for my sociology project. Please someone help me!!! 
          No names will be used.
          Just give me your opinion on if social media has an effect on anorexia. If yes, then answer if it is a positive or negative effect, and if comfortable doing so explain it more.
          Please answer, you can pm me your answers!!! I just need data, and don’t want to scour the internet for it for like 10 hours!! HELP A LAZY PERSON OUT, PLEASE!!
          My class got more time to do it so I have till Monday to collect data.


Hello, I have a research project for my sociology class, and I need to do research and collet data from people. I am too shy to ask people face to face, so doing it here. 
          No names will be used, like I know really any of your names. If you would explain your answer that would be helpful, but you don’t have to.
          I am researching if social media (marketing) has an effect on anorexia in young adults and teens.
          For more so privacy to all of you please pm me your answer, an explanation would be helpful. Please, tomorrow afternoon at the latest would be great. Thank you.


In the next 12 hours actually 


Continue trying to write! I really hope you post your books, someday! Good luck : D


Thanks, i will try. I'm writing poems at school about myself that I am thinking about post because I have been told the first one is really good. I will probably just post meaningful/philosophical things on it though.


You drew your header? Wow! It's beautiful and amazing! I wish I cloud see the entire picture though. 


You're welcome and I'm glad that we're not missing too much of your amazing drawing! And... I ABSOLUTELY LOVE FAIRY TAIL! XD


You're welcome and I'm glad that we're not missing too much of your amazing drawing! And... I ABSOLUTELY LOVE FAIRY TAIL! XD


1. Yes I drew it
            2. Thank you so much 
            3. Only the edges were left out. One of them is basically just black, and another one is a tree. So you're not missing too much of it.
            4. Fairy tail is cool 