back from the dead


I'm so proud of BTS.They have worked so hard to win 4 awards at the RDMA's!!!It's amazing how much they've accomplish, and how much more they have to come.
          We will continue to support them every step of the way.No matter what.
          Because that's what a TRUE ARMY is.
          We love you bts!!! ♥♥


Hey.... What do you actually look like? I mean I am not sure if the profile photo is you or anything... Well I am sure you are very pretty. :)


That sounds very pretty, and I am sure you are. I understand you don't want to put your face on the internet. Its ok. c: @-ashtheweird-


The profile picture isn't me.I don't really like putting my face on the internet...I don't want to get criticized for my looks.It honestly hurts me. :(
            But I'll describe what I look like.
            I have dark brown hair, tan/Carmel skin tone, with green eyes.