Man I haven't logged in here for a long time???? What are you reading right now? NEED RECOMMENDATIONS!!!!


32 weeks pregnant. And I've got covid. I haven't been alone in almost 12 years and now I'm stuck in my bedroom all by myself. Just when you think you take enough precautions that you are safe and in the clear you find out your not.... Anyone else in the same predicament


Me too girl. Me too 


@LADiiMA3 I really hope you get better soon ❤️


Now come on my dear friends, what should I read next? I honestly have been reading some really good ongoing stories but I'd love to hear what you think should be next on my list, preferably finished but I'll start something ongoing?? 


LMAO it is crazy you mentioned all those books I've just finished through my window and I've ready swipe right and the summer that changed everything. 


@LADiiMA3 I have read a few good books lately. Through My Window is really good and it's already been made into a movie that's about to come out on Netflix. It's a paid story. Swipe Right by Rachael Rose is really good too. It's also a paid story.  If you're looking for a really good free one I suggest The Summer that Changed Everything by Shelly Titan. It's complete. I read that a while back and it's still one of my all time favorites.


Hello Followers.... So my book of the day is Breaking rules: It Had to be us  by MsAnastasiaWhite... All her books are wonderful. I haven't read every book by her but pretty much all of them. This is the first book in this particular series and it is a wonderful read. It does have mature scenes so if your not into that kind of thing, that's your warning. Take some time to read it. Make sure you follow and vote. 


Happy New Year to all my followers old and new. This year I want to do things differently, so in light of that let's be friends!! 
          Also bringing in the new year at 30 weeks pregnant has been rough anyone else pregnant that is missing out on the festivities of bringing in and welcoming the year 2022?? 
          Let's talk 