
Why are all my x readers so popular? I wrote them when I was like 14. They're grammatically and structurally bad


I would ask all my followers to only read my stories on weblinks or sites that I specifically allow my work to be on. Wattpad for one or if one of my stories I'm writing takes off, Amazon. I've been informed that there are accounts out there asking authors whether or not they would like to be on their website so, if you see any of my work on websites I have not uploaded on, please report them and  make sure to stay on the platforms I alone write on if that's what you're interested in.


Also for fans of my x-reader content, I'm not sure if I'll return to those or not as I've been wanting to work on my passion projects for a while now. Some of them I don't know if I'll ever finish especially since I've been legally an adult for a year now. I'm 19 years old and a lot of those x-readers I've written were when I was a minor. If you personally want to finish those stories you can go ahead and do so of your own volition just make sure to credit me as the original author. The only one I want to stick with possibly is the Rem X Reader fanfic since I had the most fun writing it.


@Zewon24  I'm thinking about it. I've had to juggle a lot in the past couple of years what with school work and writing being a hobby of mine as well as writing various passion projects of mine. Good to see people still enjoy reading it!


"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16
          "The reward of goodness is nothing but goodness." Al Quran 55:61
          "The Highest form of wisdom is kindness" The Talmud/Judaism
          A Buddhist Teaching "What you do for yourself- any gesture of kindness, any gesture of gentleness, any gesture of honesty and clear seeing toward yourself- will affect how you experience the world. In fact, it will transform how you experience the world. What you do for yourself, you're doing for others and what you do for others, you're doing for yourself"
          "The simplest acts of Kindness are by far more powerfil than a thousand heads bowing in prayer" -Mahatma Gandhi
          "Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend" -Martin Luther King 
          "I believe that in the end, that it is kindness and accommodation that are all the catalysts for real change" Nelson Mandela
          We are all Human, no one can forget that, no matter what race, religion or culture you are. We need to treat each other with respect. We should not judge the actions of one person and assume that the rest of the people from that background are the same. We should not generalise and lastly, my school motto which I keep in my heart.
          "Ut Sint Unum" in English, "That We May Be One"
          and we are one, we are Humans


I've learned...I've learned life is a bitch but sometimes that's a good thing. You learn in life that some things aren't meant to be. She and I were destined to just be friends no matter what. Even if I've cared so much for her and loved her she'll never love me back and I'm fine with that. I've had to hide under a facade for her so I wouldn't snap at her and cause even more problems between us. She'd always go on about how perfect someone was and yet they weren't even real, she'd tell me she'd try to get over him for me and gave up but you know...I've learned...learned so much for the past three years that I've been in love with her that maybe clinging on to something that wasn't meant to happen was hurting the both of us. I fought through all of that hoping one day she'd love me, that one day we'd be together because she didn't reject me, she told me one day there might be a chance when I first asked her out. 
          Point is: Through life, you learn, you gain strength, you suffer the hardships, the effects but in the end, that's what it means to be human. To feel, to know how others are feeling and to understand that being human doesn't mean that you have to withdraw yourself from your emotions, to be human you must suffer and cause suffering but at the end, at the end, you regret it, you feel horrible and you try to redeem yourself as you begin to understand a new emotion, an insane emotion yet it isn't love you feel, you begin to feel something known as compassion. Once you let compassion take you in, all other horrible feelings you have begin to drift away. I say to you who suffer the same way, you will climb out it. You will rise up and begin to feel compassion...


Hello wolfies. I'm back, you may have known me from last year posting messages on my wall about how I was dealing with an unrequitted love and a depression, well guess what?... I'm over that unrequitted love and I don't have depression anymore. Also, I'm going on a second date with someone else who isn't the girl I loved last year. I want to tell yall something, anything is possible. You just got search for it and not let the world keep you down cause if you do, you might miss an oppertunity of a life time. You might not find the light if all you want to see is darkness. So go out and get what you're worth! Find meaning to life!